Chapter 40

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I walked into the doctors office that Bri said she was at. I looked around for her and I found her sitting in a corner biting the side of her nail shaking her leg nervously.

You okay? I asked coming to sit by her. She looked up at me surprised that I was here.

Thought you said you where gonna be busy?

I canceled that, your mom important. I grabbed her hand and she smiled at me. All of her nerves went away.

Brionna Carter! A nurse called out.

You ready?! I asked pulling her to her feet. I followed her as she followed the nurse to the back. She took some vitals then made her way to an exam room where they would do a sonogram.

Okay so your gonna undress from the waist down and put this sheet over you. Im just gonna step out for a second. She said giving her the sheet. She waited for the door to close before she kicked her shoes off and pants.

Let me see that!

See what?

That ass! I grabbed her waist turning her around gripping her ass. Ass was fat ass hell!

This is why where in the position we're in now! Cause of you!

Oh nah don't blame me yo ass never wanna get up!

Meeee? Excuse me Mr you gonna have my baby! Now look at us.

Shiddd I'll do it again! Bend over!

No stop! She laughed as I stood up.

For real bend over real quick. I laughed thrusting against her ass standing behind her.
A knock on the door made me get off her and sit down as the doctor came in. She sat on the chair and put the blanket over her.

Okay you ready! The nurse smiled coming into the room. She took her seat and logged into the computer. The tv screen came on and her name was in the little box. My heart started beating quick as fuck. I just got nervous out of nowhere. She looked at me and had fear in her eyes but I smiled so she wouldn't be nervous. I got up to hold her hand.

The nurse placed the gel on her stomach and a baby was on the screen. "Oh I thought you would of just got pregnant! We don't need the vaginal prob" She said taken back.

What you mean? Bri asked confused.

When is the last time you got your period?

I honestly don't remember....i went through a lot of traumatic stuff so I wasn't keeping up with a period.

From the measurements I'm getting it looks like your about 8weeks and 3 days.

8 weeks??!!!! I asked laughing. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. That just means shit the first time we had sex she got pregnant. I know I didn't pull out that night and I damn sure didn't try to either.

Here's the heart beat! She scanned the screen and the heart beat started playing. Brionna started crying hard. "Beating at 147! Nice and strong!"

Can I record?

Yes of course. I pulled my phone out and started recording her playing the heart beat and Brionna crying.

Awww baby you got mommy crying already! I laughed recording her wiping her tears. "With the ugly ass cry too!"

Stoppppp! She wined sticking her middle finger up.

Baby looks beautiful! The nurse said as she printed some pictures out for us. I took them from her before she gave them to Bri. I couldn't stop smiling and looking at them. Damn I'm really bouta have a fuckin baby. A wife and a kid who would of ever fuckin thought.

You can get dress and go to the waiting room and wait to be called. The nurse said before walking out.

Okay thank you! Bri got up and I handed her, her clothes. She wiped her stomach again and got dress.

You okay?

Yeah! I opened the door for her and followed her out and into the waiting room. We sat waiting for her to see her doctor. She went in her purse and pulled a Pepsi out. Soon as she opened it I smacked it out her hands making her drop it and spilling out.

My baby not drinking that shit!

I could punch you in yo muthafuckin face right now! She said so angry she wanted to cry.

Nah drink some water. Can't drink that while you pregnant.

Excuse me, am I pregnant or you?

We both is! What I say go!

Well when we get to the part of you pushing this baby out your dick you can tell Me what to drink other than that ima do what the fuck I want! She said pissed off.

Yeah ight! We gone see mama!

Brionna Carter! Another nurse called out. She got up so angry and made her way to the back with me behind her. She was pissed off. I was trying so hard not to laugh. She'll be Ight.

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