Chapter 44

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Yo get Terry crack head ass over here and shovel my girl house out. I said into the phone to Quan. "Tell him I got 2 8ths for him"

Oh shit Ight! Yall good over there?

Yeah the power just came back on. Snow high as hell we can't get out but ain't no rush type shit hit me back when he can come through.

Ight got you!
I hung up and tossed my phone to the side. I got up and went back upstairs. Bro stood leaning over the counter as if she was in pain.

You okay?

Yeah, can I ask you something?


Do you want kids?

Uhhh I never really gave much thought into that. Why you ask? You pregnant?

I think I'm having a miscarriage....


I haven't gotten a period and I was sick yesterday and I've been having cramping like really bad cramping since this morning and when I just used it, it was a lot of blood like a lot and....and I think I'm having a miscarriage and I've never been pregnant before I don't know but I'm freaking out because it was so much blood.

Okay look just chill out don't freak out okay! Let me try and shovel us out of here and get you to a hospital.

I grabbed my coat and boots to go outside and the fear in her eyes was loud. She was being so brave. I opened the window and jumped out with the shovel. I started shoveling the door out and made a walk way to my car and got the car out. I started it and warmed it up. I was fuckin freezing.

You ready? I asked coming back in the house. She grabbed her purse and we left out the house. The streets was bad from the storm but since we lived out here with these white folks the main streets was plowed so I headed to General Hospital. It was a high end hospital. She don't need nothing but the best care.

I pulled up to the emergency room and valet my car and helped her out. She was in a lot of pain and tryna hold her tears back.

Lyn! I called out to the receptionist. I use to fuck with her and I know she could get us in the back fast.

Heyyy handsome haven't seen you in a minute.

Can you get us in the back?

Yeah come on....

She took us to the back and to the exam room. "What's going on hun?" She asked Bri looking at me.

I think I'm having a miscarriage.

Okay did you take a pregnancy test?


Okay why do you think you're pregnant? She asked and her face got pissed as she looked at me. I don't got time for this.

Baby ima step outside for a second and go fill your paper work out. I kissed her and left out the room. I don't know what the fuck I was feeling inside. I was nervous as fuck right now. A baby? Damn! I know I was careless as fuck and never pulled out but damn I did not think about no kid. At all! I'm not mad! I'm just shocked.

I filled her paper out and gave it back to the lady at the desk. These muthafuckas was taking forever. I was waiting to get back to the back for a good 30 minutes. Pissed me off! I need to be back there with her.

I went back into the room and she sat on the bed trying not to cry. "What they say?" I asked standing in front of her.

It was a miscarriage! They are gonna send me some Tylenol for pain and said to finish waiting for it to pass. She started to cry.

Baby don't cry!

I can't help it, why did this happen?!

Because it's just not our time to have a kid, don't worry it's gone be alright!

I never even thought I could have kids and I get pregnant and lose it! James I'm fucked up! I'm sorry.

Ayeee ayeee look at me! Ain't no need to be sorry it's not your fault. God did this for a reason. I wasn't ready for a baby, your not ready for a baby, you still got yo nursing shit to finish. If we have a kid I wanna do that shit right. We just had a rough patch and I plan on making you my wife. It's okay we got forever to go for a baby. It's gonna be okay!

I wanna go back home!


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