Chapter 64 - Blame

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Key fidgeted. Ghost was taking longer than usual with his break. Surely he hadn't fallen asleep in the tub.

Shuang's rooms were quiet and everyone was asleep. Today had been another day of complaining and whining. She was furious that Lord Zhang had refused her request to meet with him. Why didn't the man want to see her when he was pining for her? His stupid chivalry of not wanting to meet an engaged woman alone was ludicrous! She was his Ex-fiancee for Heaven's sake! If he didn't man up and fight for her hand before the wedding, she would remain his Ex, didn't he see that? She wanted to tell him, he still had a chance. She was not married yet. He should stop drinking and confront Father!!

Pssst! Psst! Key? Key the bodyguard? Can you hear me?

Key cocked his head to one side. Was he hearing things? That was not Ghost's voice.

Come over the wall if you can. It's urgent!

Key's eyes narrowed. A man who knew he could listen was whispering to him! Well, there was only one way to find out what he was about.

Silently Key moved to the outer walls marking Shuang's residence. The constant whispering guiding him to the intruder. He stopped at a section darkened by shadows, positive the man was less than three feet away. Only the wall separated them.

Key! Key the bodyguard. Ghost needs you.

That did it. Key jumped over the wall to confront the man. A thin dirk was at the stranger's throat before he could make another sound.

"What did you say?" asked Key.

The man jumped a little but was otherwise unfazed. A small satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"You actually came. You really can hear me!"

"Speak! Think carefully before you do," warned Key.

"I come from House Zhang," he informed Key as instructed. "Ghost is there. He is injured and needs your help."

Key studied him. The man was of average height with a forgettable face. He was dressed in nondescript clothing, no markings or colors indicating any particular House. He was not afraid at all. The Three smiled grimly. This one was obviously skilled in camouflage and trained in martial arts but chose not to fight.

"Proof?" asked Key.

The man lifted a finger to trace a symbol on his open palm. Key nodded. Only Ghost could have shown him.

"Lead the way."

When they reached House Zhang's quarters, guards led them in through a side gate and ushered them into the rooms. Lord Zhang, Captain Zhang and Ghost was waiting for him. Master Kai and Lady Wei were also there. The elderly advisors had been awaken and updated on the night's occurrences. They had agreed to keep it from Xi Xiu, she did not need to know about the attempt to kidnap her.

"My job is done."

The servant bowed and backed out of the room into the corridor.

Key froze a moment. He had never come face to face with the mysterious Lord Zhang before or his broad shouldered Captain. He had only viewed them from afar. His eyes flicked to the sword hanging by the soldier's side. Captain Zhang had a reputation of being a fierce fighter. Where was Ghost?

"Key ..."

The Shard jumped at his senior's raspy voice. Lord Zhang moved aside to reveal Ghost pushing himself up from the bed behind. He was pushed back down by Lord Zhang himself.

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