O1: Destiny

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An arrow with a fast speed stabs towards the target. "Woah! Your archery skills are getting better sister!" Prince Hanjee cheered merrily. "Of course, I think I've been good since I was born. You should do more archery practice with dad, understood?"Princess Gwayoung answered proudly.

"Yes sister i will!" Prince Hanjee smiles and continue to practice ambitiously.

Her private bodyguard, Shin Aeri approached her "Your highness.." She called out "What's the matter ae-" Princess Gwayoung didn't finish her words and she saw from the distant her cousin already calling her.

"Oh my goodness, please i hope they would do something else today." She said while rolling her eyes.

"What are we going to do today?" Princess Gwayoung asked them. "As always we are going to have fun today! Yeay!!" Lee Minji said it out loud.

"Shhhhh, what if uncle's will hear it." Lee eunchae scolded because she afraid that they would not be allowed to go out. "Don't worry girl's, you have me." Lee Minji winked with playful smile.

Shin Aeri and Princess Gwayoung just smile like crazy and they say, "Not again, ugh!" simultaneously.


Princess Gwayoung observed the situation around the market where all the vendors were selling happily and peacefully. It made her feel good for today. She and her cousin will usually shopping for new accessories such as high quality silk fabric and new shoes.

"What do you think about this Gwa-" Lee minji accidentally almost called Princess Gwayoung's real name. Shin aeri widened her eyes as a warning. "Oh no, Ae-e-ra...." Minji smiled nervously and scratch her head.

Gwayoung has another name when go out from palace to hide her real identity. Besides Aera which was inspired by the name of her bodyguard she has other names for the male gender. It is very difficult to live outside the palace as a princess.

"Hey old grandma! Why why don't you want to give us your house? You can't even pay the debt you borrowed. This is an easy way to pay for it! Am I right?"

Princess Gwayoung heard the commotion from a distance, she immediately ran to the source of the sound.

Princess Gwayoung ran as fast as possible and immediately kicked the debt collector in the head.


Princess Gwayoung pulled out her pocket money purse then throw it up to the debt collector.

"Is this more than enough?" Princess Gwayoung spoke proudly. Shin Aeri helped the grandmother to get up.

"Are you okay grandma?" Princess Gwayoung asked with a warm smile. She held the grandmother's hand tightly.

"Please wait here im going to buy something for you."

A few minutes later Princess Gwayoung came with some medicine to treat the grandmother's wounds and food.

"I hope the debt collectors don't come again and I promise not to let anyone go into debt again." Princess Gwayoung hugged the grandmother with love.

"I am very thankful and grateful today because there are still people who want to save me. You are the best noble women I have ever met, I will never forget you for the rest of my life." The grandmother cried while hugging Princess Gwayoung tightly.

To Beloved Princess | JAKE ENHYPENWhere stories live. Discover now