O3: Fresh start

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For almost an hour, the four of them walked through the forest and the river, finally reaching their destination.

"Wow! This place smells really good." Princess Gwayoung held and looked at the materials placed on the table.

"You make perfumes here?" She asked again.

"Yes, this is my favorite places if i have a bad day."

"I forgot to ask your name, what is your name?"

"My name is Raewon." Prince Jaeyun said confidently.

"Raewon? and what is your friend's name?"

Raewon is the name for Prince Jaeyun when he is in disguise outside the palace.

"Sunoo." Sunoo answered quickly.

"Oh i see, I am Geom and this is my friend Gyeol." Princess Gwayoung introduced themselves kindly.

They both started to make the perfume.

Suddenly Princess Gwayoung asked Prince Jaeyun.

"Who did you make this perfume for?"

"Now I don't make perfumes but I want to make soap. I want to give this soap to my father."

"Wow! can you teach me to how to make soap? I want to give it to my father too." Princess Gwayoung is interested in learning something new. Prince Jaeyun just nodded and smiled.

"Gyeol, Can you get me some silk cloth and string at the market? I want to put perfume in it later."

"Alright Geom!" Shin Aeri ran out to get the material.

They were both busy learning to make soap and perfume, Princess Gwayoung never thought she would meet someone with the same interests as her. She immediately felt comfortable with Prince Jaeyun.


After completing their work, Prince Jaeyun wanted to go home because it was getting dark.

"Hey Raewon, can we accompany you home?" She offered herself to accompany Prince Jaeyun.

Prince Jaeyun just shook his head.

"It's okay Geom, we will be fine." Prince Jaeyun said with a smile showing that they will be fine.

Princess Gwayoung just nodded and let them walk home but her heart didn't stop whispering to follow them.


Prince Jaeyun heard the sound of a tree shaking loudly behind him and ordered Sunoo to be quiet and walk slowly to ascertain where the source of the sound was.

Sunoo who understood his order prepared to draw his sword.

Suddenly there was a group of assassin's following them from behind since earlier. They came down and attacked Prince Jaeyun and Sunoo.

"Your highness! Run!" Sunoo told Prince Jaeyun to run but he refused. He was not willing to leave his best friend to fight the killer alone.

"Raewon!!" Princess Gwayoung's voice was heard from behind as she wants to shot an arrow towards the assassin's.

Prince Jaeyun was surprised to see Princess Gwayoung shoot straight at the assassin's and the assassin's die.

The group of assassin's stopped for a moment and wanted to attack Princess Gwayoung but Shin Aeri was able to quickly deflect their swords.

The four of them persevered against the group of assassin's. Prince Jaeyun was almost stabbed by the assassin's sword but Princess Gwayoung killed the assassin from behind and now they are safe all those killers are defeated by them.

To Beloved Princess | JAKE ENHYPENWhere stories live. Discover now