Chapter 11: Nothing To Be Afraid Of

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When the man came back, there were two nurses following after him.

The entire process was very quick. After a few questions and tests that confirmed Jennie was in fact, AB negative, they disinfected the area, prepped Jennie and began to extract the blood.

After two pints of blood, one of the nurses pulled out the needle and placed it onto the cart. "Alright, you're all good to go." The nurse smiled.

Jennie stood up to bid the nurse goodbye, but she felt drowsy. The world seemed to sway from side to side and her vision was beginning to blur.

"Jenjen, are you alright?" Somi frowned. Her eyebrows were knitted together in worry.

"I-I'm fine." Jennie lied, her voice coming out tired and weak.

The nurse quickly realized the situation. They had taken too much blood out of her!

"Here ma'am, have some green juice and apple slices from the hospital cafeteria. It'll help with your drowsy state." The nurse handed her a glass of green liquid and a plate of apples.

"Thank you." Jennie said, taking the food offered to her. She sat back down to quietly munch and drink the juice.

"We'll start the surgery now." The nurse said, wheeling the blood into a different room. After a few minutes, the surgery sign turned on.

Somi sat in her chair, nervously nibbling her bottom lips as she patiently waited for the surgery to be over with.

Jennie noticed how anxious Somi was. She was shaking one of her legs and tapping her fingers on her thighs. Knowing it was best to keep Somi's thoughts distracted, Jennie decided to probe and ask questions.

"Mm, Somi, you never told me which brother it was. Was it the first or second brother?" Jennie asked, sipping her juice and eating the fruits.

"Surprisingly, it's Lisa oppa..." Somi sighed.

'Lisa oppa...?' Jennie felt a light buzz in her head. The name sounded so familiar. Where had she heard it before?

Jennie had known Somi since they were mere babies, but she didn't remember any encounters with Somi's older brother, considering he was a bit older than them.

"The reports are claiming it's a car accident, but my parents started a government investigation... They think it's an assassination attempt." Somi played with her fingers. Her usual bubbly and energetic voice was soft and quiet.

Jennie felt her heart clench at Somi's state. She leaned closer and pulled her into a sideways hug so that Somi was resting her head on Jennie's shoulders.

"I-I know I shouldn't worry because assassination attempts happen all the time to rich and powerful men. But none of them ever came this close."

Being a multi-billion business tycoon at the young age of twenty-seven, Somi's brother had gotten used to all sorts of attacks on him. He was usually prepared, but this time, he had let his guard down.

"W-what if, next time, the assassins succeed?" Somi was so shaken at the thought, she could barely speak properly.

Jennie hugged Somi tighter. "Somi, that's never going to happen. Your brother has the military and underground network one call away. Whoever did that to him was just lucky he was distracted with a very important contract deal."

"But what if-"

"There's no what if's. Have faith in your brother." Jennie knew Somi was the type to overthink the situation. It was best to shoot her down so that she didn't jump to new conclusions within the span of five seconds.

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