Chapter 22: What's The Worst He Could Do?

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Half huffing and half screaming in her head, Somi called Jennie to prepare her for the wrath of her brother.

"Jenjen! Watch out, don't leave your house for at least a week! My brother has stormed his way out of the hospital, he will make his move soon!" Somi wailed into the phone, her voice riddled with emotions.

Jennie raised her brow. She was surprised at Somi's frantic voice, but figured it was because she was worried for her.

"Why should I watch out for him?" Jennie asked, stepping into her apartment and locking the doors behind her.

"Well, when he left, he seemed abnormally calm. That phrase, 'the calm before the storm,' it totally suits my brother! The calmer he is, the more frightening he is! What if he tries to ruin and harm you? I can fend off the other bad guys, but I cannot stop my brother from making his move." Somi almost cried out in frustration.

She felt incredibly useless that she couldn't stop her brother's rampage. No one can, not even her parents or Manoban Elder could restrain him.

Jennie thought about Lisa's dangerous reputation. On the surface, he was a top-notch businessman whose company was worth billions.

Sweeping the hotel, corporate, and merchandise world by storm, he was an unbeatable tycoon. Any business deal or contract he signed would always succeed without fail. It was scary how accurate he was when it came to predictions.

"I hope you let him know I won't go down without a fight." For safety measures, Jennie walked to her private safe. It was tucked and hidden in her walk-in-closet. Unlocking the bullet-proof container, she pulled out her long array of weapons.

Somi nearly swooned at her words. That's my girl! Don't be scared of the Demon King! At most, he'll gobble you up...wait, that's bad too.

"I didn't tell him your address by the texted that Ice King Secretary of his, so he's probably already tracked you down!" Somi nervously tapped her fingers on her thigh. Lisa's resources were top-notch, he could track and find someone within seconds of his command.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. What's the worst he could do? Kill me for throwing money at him?" Jennie joked, picking up a small and easily concealable gun. She ran her finger over the cool, black material of her latest collection.

Somi swallowed. He could arrange Jennie to be killed and make it could like an accident. She had seen it done before...

"U-uhm its best to not joke with the truth...Ah...haha...ha." Somi nervously laughed, her eyes jumping around the car.

Jennie raised her brow. He was really going to kill her for throwing money at him? How petty!

"Well, don't you have a lovely brother." Jennie sighed at how childish he seemed.

Somi thought about her words. "He's not that bad,'s just, he's hard to understand." She leaned her cheeks on her propped-up arm and stared out the window.

"Try to not worry too much about the issue, okay? Why do I feel like you're more worried than I am." Jennie dryly said, as she picked up a gun and placed it near the entrance of her condo for safety measures.

"Alright, I'll try to not overthink." Somi had a glum expression on her face. On one hand, she was really glad her Jenjen wasn't scared of her brother. But on the other hand, she wished Jennie was more cautious over things like this.

How come she doesn't treasure her life...?

"I'll talk to you later okay? I haven't eaten much the entire day."

"Mm, alright. I might not be able to pick up the call because of my parent's scolding, but I will definitely call you back tomorrow." Somi was the first to end the call.

Jennie didn't overthink about the issue at hand. She pulled out some ingredients to cook herself lunch. She turned on the TV and listened to the background sound of the news reporter. When she heard about Krystal being hospitalized, she quickly switched the channel to something else.

After cooking and eating, Jennie realized her schedule was practically empty for the day. So, she got to work on her piano and began to practice again. Her slender fingers glided over the keys and soon, she created a one-woman symphony.

She spends the entire day practicing none stop, until the sun disappeared behind the clouds, and the moon shined through. The moonlight created a serene glow around her tiny shoulders, as her fingers danced over the keys.

Eyes closed, fingers sore, she soon fell asleep. A peaceful expression on her face, she wasn't prepared for the surprise that would end up at her doorstep's tomorrow morning.

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