Chapter 83: Gracious Offer

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Kai let out a burst of humorless laughter. Of course, the people around the Demon King was also icy and terrifying, what had he expected?

When his laughter died down, his expression turned deadly serious. A simple secretary was rejecting his generous offer? Not only had Kai been insulted by Lisa in front of strangers, but now, this incapable secretary thinks he can do the same?

"I suggest you curb that temper of yours. It won't be hard for me to throw your entire family in jail and force them to rot there." Kai's polished shoes clicked on the floor, each sound echoing through the quiet room. As expected of a domineering CEO, his presence was hard to miss or defy. With each step that he took, the deadly aura was getting stronger.

Kang Seulgi's chest shook as if he was refraining himself from laughing. He was the assistant to the future Head of the Manoban family. These threats were not new to him. But Kai saw it differently and thought he was thoroughly scared.

"The workers around Lisa are very intelligent and competent. I hope you put your brain to use and accept my offer." Kai's smile was ruthless, like a predator stalking his prey.

The smile dropped when Kang Seulgi's laughter filled the quiet and suffocating room. The sound mirrored Kai's. Eerily dull, it was enough to freeze Kang Han-Na's blood and force her to hold her breath.

"Throw my entire family into prison? CEO Kim, don't make threats you can't uphold." Kang Seulgi turned around, revealing the smile of a fox. His eyes curled into half-crescent moons when he smiled and the crystal glasses, he wore seemed to have caught the light on the ceiling. Slightly turning his head, his eyes had a flare that nearly blinded Kang Han-Na.

Kai's gaze darkened at the challenge within Kang Seulgi's voice.

Kang Seulgi revealed a friendly smile. "CEO Kim, if there is nothing else, I will be excusing myself." He bent his back and did a respectful bow before attempting to walk out of the room. This time, Kai's bodyguards came forward to form a human barrier.

"You can attempt to leave but you won't do so unscathed." Kai spoke up from behind Kang Seulgi.

"If you want to leave untouched, I suggest you accept my gracious offer." Kai added, clearly not knowing who he was messing with.

Kang Seulgi sighed before turning around, a nonchalant expression on his stoic face. "Threats and violence like this are punishable by law, CEO Kim. Especially with the cameras surrounding this area, you can be charged in court." He lifted his index finger to point towards the security camera directly on top of them.

"The law?" Kai humorlessly laughed. The mild expression slipped off of his face, revealing the hidden darkness.

"I can bend those useless words until it snaps beneath my hands." The law? Punishable and charged in court? He was amused.

Something as simple as that can never touch him, especially when his family was built upon a long generation of ties with the police department and the government. Who would dare to arrest the great Kai?

Kang Seulgi tiredly sighed before taking off his platinum-rimmed glasses. He folded it and placed it into his suit pocket. "A pity really, I really didn't feel like exercising today." He said and without warning, struck out his fist at a lightning fast speed.

Kang Han-Na blinked once and the bodyguard was knocked out cold. She blinked again and the second man was slammed onto the ground. All the while, Kang Seulgi stood confidently tall, unscathed, and in the same position as before.

With how unwavering he stood; one would've never thought he was the man who struck out Kai's well-trained bodyguards. His speed was incredibly fast and could barely be seen by the naked eye.

Kai was taken back, his haughty expression completely slipped off of his face. His eyes were wild with disbelief and the arrogance he exuded was gone.

"Oh my, what happened to these fine gentlemen here? It seems your bodyguards are sick on the job, CEO Kim." Kang Seulgi feigned confusion, placed his glasses back on and turned his head to give Kai one last look. As always, he kept on a very professional mask despite the ice storm he was directing towards them.

"If there is nothing else, CEO Kim, please excuse me." With a polite nod of his head, Kang Seulgi walked down the corridor unbothered by anyone. Even though the hallway was still lined with Kai's men, none of them dared to touch him. They had seen how fast Kang Seulgi had incapacitated their colleagues and neither of them wanted to suffer the same horrific fate.

- - - -

"What took you so long?" Lisa seethed in his office when Kang Seulgi strolled in.

"I apologize, boss, something came up." It was as if a switch had been flickered within Kang Seulgi's brain because, at the sight of his boss, he was no longer the fearsome man who mocked CEO Kim and beat up his bodyguards. In his place was a respectful and loyal secretary who was willing to risk his life for his boss.

Lisa raised a brow and glanced at Kang Seulgi's appearance. Not a single hair was out of place, but he saw his slightly scratched knuckle and already knew what had happened. "I hope that giant pest was taken care of?"

"I'm afraid not. Those weren't my orders so I only took care of the underlings of the scum." Kang Seulgi apologetically said, his shoulders slightly hunched over in disappointment. Boss wanted him to hurt Kai? Why didn't he say so sooner?

"Mm, that's alright. Dealing with them head-on would be swift and easy, but the consequences will be harsher. We'll do it indirectly." Lisa stood up and gave his secretary a good pat on the back.

"Boss, I've failed-"

"I didn't give any orders." These simple words from Lisa were enough to lift Kang Seulgi's mood. He technically couldn't have failed any orders if none was made.

"What else is on my schedule?"

Kang Seulgi quickly pulled out the tablet. "As you have predicted, Weiqi's increase in stocks was an under-the-table deal and everyone who invested in them have lost a lot of money. Because we invested in Jeon Conglomerate when their stocks were the cheapest, we've greatly profited from it now that their stocks are on the rise again."

"Hm, Jeon Jungkook has not failed me before. This is just another example of his competence." Lisa commented, sitting down on one of the black plush couches in his office.

"Of course, but there is another company who is currently rising at an alarming rate. It's the newly-founded RJ. This investment company has only been around for three years, but all the projects they invest in have been highly profitable."

Lisa slightly turned his head. RJ? He felt as if he had heard that name somewhere before.

"Currently, they seem to be attempting to branch out. They don't seem to have any intentions to approach Manoban Enterprise but I have done an initial investigation on this company, and while they have a squeaky-clean background, there seems to be a coverup on who the real owner is." Kang Seulgi reported. He also thought the name sounded oddly familiar, but he couldn't place a finger on where he had heard it before.

"Is that so? Continue to monitor them for a few weeks." Lisa was slightly intrigued by the company seeing how hard it was to rise through the ranks, especially for a young independent company with no powerful backer.

"There isn't much to report on today but your schedule is filled to the brim after lunch." Kang Seulgi flipped to a different tab and began to list off the long schedule awaiting him.

On the surface, Lisa seemed to be diligently listening to whatever Kang Seulgi was rambling about. In reality, he was slightly distracted with thoughts of Jennie. He wondered if he was too harsh on her this morning and was beginning to feel slight remorse for his words. But he needed to work through his doubts if he wanted to find out if she could have a breakthrough with her feelings and reciprocate his. If this does not work, he'll have to find out another way then.

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