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One thing Delilah never expected after letting her father's boss do anything was criticism from her classmates and the students wandering around her.

That one day allowed him to pick up or drop her at the college anytime he wanted to.

It wasn't regular. He proposed his wish to drop her at the college anytime he would see her. She noticed how he was becoming bold day by day, but she didn't know he did as he pleased.

Nothing could stop him.

However, Delilah was worried about her father's reaction.

Judas never said a word to her but he was watching everything that his boss was doing.

Sometimes, to escape his offer, Delilah decided to leave her house even before sunrise. She would stop at some cafe or library to spend her time before leaving for college. The idea saved her but not every time.

He could see her using very flimsy ideas that he could break in a click of his fingers but he knew a better way to win her. He saw she wasn't someone to be handled by violence.

He could do anything but he was restraining himself.

But many times as he dropped her off and picked her up from the college, it was noticed by other students.

In the starting days, nobody could peek into the car and steal a glance at his face but after some days, as he started waiting for her by leaning against the door of his car, girls and boys saw him and found him pleasant enough to seduce him in traps and dominant enough to get scared into mewling kittens.

Girls, as expected, were jealous and boys, some lost their wild spirits to seduce Delilah seeing how handsome the man who took care of her was, and some took him as competent to do better than him but nobody knew what was going through Delilah.

She was struggling.

She wasn't uncomfortable around her father's boss. In her eyes, he was a nice man but she was wondering why he was so caring and protective towards her all of a sudden. She was just his employee's daughter.

Girls started giving her nasty side glances of hatred since she became the center of attention, it didn't matter if the reason was good or bad.

Boys, on the other hand, started trying harder in Delilah's case while some accepted their defeat just by seeing the man's face.

Either way, it depressed Delilah.

At night, she shared the matter with her God, and every time she went through the Word, she was convinced that nothing could harm her or her reputation. And fortunately even, the professors and the principal still regarded her as a good student with a hardworking spirit.

Yes, the rumors reached them, too, but in their hearts, her God had established something so true about Delilah's character that no wrong word could destroy it.

However, as days passed, she started listening to more rumors spreading around. Anywhere she went, she would hear girls gossiping about her and boys trying either to defend her or say nothing and give her side glances.

So the way it got cleared out when she was passing by and had to eavesdrop on a conversation of some girls.

"I can't help but hate her! You remember how she degraded me when I tried to seduce her father and now look at her, seducing our college's doner himself—a f*cking billionaire!"

Delilah halted in her steps when she heard the words. The voice was very recognisable to her and owning a memory so bright in her head, she eventually realized it was Nessa!

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