Chapter 18: Please

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Cooper watched as I fell to the ground holding my stomach. My face had no color as the pain sore though my body. Isaac watched as the blood started to drip though my fingers staining the hoodie I was wearing. He watched in amusement as Cooper watched in complete and utter horror. The one thing Coop knew now was he wanted Isaac dead. He jumped at him punching his face, punching and kicking were it hurt till I gave a whimper. He ran over and dropped to his knees in front of me. “Oh god baby.” He cried. He was in shock, as much as I was. Here I lay, bleeding to death, at the small age of 17. My whole life ahead of me. When they say you are dying you see your life flash before your eyes. I did. I saw my favorite memories. But I also watched Cooper as he sobbed on the phone to 911.

“Cooper,” I managed to whisper. He looked over at me and grabbed my hand. I squeezed as the life, literally, drained out of me. Cooper had his hand over mine trying to save me. I didn’t want to admit it, but we were both losing. I could hear the ambulance sirens as they raced to the parking lot, but all I could hear were Cooper’s cries for me to hold on, and to not give up. I wanted the pain to stop. I felt my eyes grow heavy as I started to lose consciousness. Cooper was screaming at the EMT’s in the ambulance to hurry. I tugged his hand getting his attention. “Cooper,” I took a last shaky breath. “Cooper I love you.” I said before the black took me in……….

“NO!” Cooper screamed as my eyes rolled into the back of my head. An EMT was trying to stop the bleeding as another was checking for a pulse.

“I have nothing.” He said as they lifting me onto the gurney. “Get the defibrillator. We need to shock her.” One pumped air into my lungs as another got a crash cart. Cooper was sitting in the back crying silently as they tried to keep me alive. He watched as the Cops took down Isaac as he held the gun up to them. The mayhem seemed to slip away and all he could hear was, “Clear” and the shock as they tried to re-start my heart. Cooper looked in horror as I lay on the gurney; my shirt ripped open with the pads, one on the upper right and the other under my ribs on my left, lay there getting shocked over and over. “Last shock kid then I’m calling it.” The first EMT said. The second was still pumping air as my lungs wouldn’t.

“Grace please. I don’t want to lose you.” Cooper sobbed. The EMT gave me one last shock the same time Cooper said, “Please don’t die I love you. Please.” The faint beeping caused the EMTs to look over.

“We have a heart beat.” The first said to Cooper. Cooper looked over at the EMT before watching as they tried to keep my heart rate as they drove into the hospital’s parking lot. The doctors and nurses were waiting as they pulled up.

“We have a 17 year old female. She was shot in her abdomen, lost and is still losing a lot of blood. She was out for the whole 10 minute ride and we just got her back.” They said rolling me in. Cooper kept up with the doctors as they rolled me into trauma.

“1, 2, 3” they lifted me onto the hospital gurney causing the bleeding to start going faster again. “Get me 3 bags of O negative blood.” The doctor called to his nurse. Cooper watched in horror as the team worked on me. “Let’s get her to the O.R.” The doctor said as my heart started to slow again. Cooper just stood on the outside of the room with my blood all over his hands and his hoodie. As they wheeled me up Cooper said on last thing, that no one heard. “I love you.”………

Uncle Charlie bolted into the hospital with Kirsty and Jesse right behind him. Cooper sat in the waiting room his head in his hands as he silently sobbed. “Cooper,” Uncle Charlie said causing him to look up. They all gasped as they saw him. He had bloody hand prints on his shirt, one where I grabbed him and the others were he wiped his hands on his hoodie. His hair was a mess and there was dried blood on his lip were Isaac got a punch in. His beautiful navy eyes were all blood shot from crying. “Where is she? Where is my Niece?” Uncle Charlie said watching Cooper’s face crumble and tears spill over.

“They took her to the operating room. She had to have surgery. She was dying.” He broke into a sob. “They had to shock her back. They almost didn’t save her.” Kirsty though her arms around Cooper as he sobbed. Jesse dropped down into a chair his face white. Uncle Charlie sat down on another chair and held his head in his hands. Hours passed and they all just sat in the waiting room waiting till the doctor came to talk to them. When the door opened they all jumped.

“Chief Roberts.” The doctor nodded.

“Doctor what’s wrong with her?” Uncle Charlie asked.

“Is she going to be okay?” Cooper asked frantic. The doctor sighed and sat down.

“She is alive now. She crashed 4 more times. She lost most of the blood in her body, so she is on transfusions. We got the bullet out of her, but it took a while. It was really stuck in her. We need to watch her heart rate because it is extremely stressed. We have some bad news.” Everyone stood rigid. “She is in a coma. We don’t when she will wake up or if she’ll even wake up. We tried are best.” The doctor shook Uncle Charlie’s hand and walked back through the doors he came though.

“I should go call your father and tell him what happened.” Uncle Charlie walked out of the hospital dialing a number. Jesse took there for a minute.

“I will go call Connor.” He said before walking out. Kirsty looked at him and ran after Jesse. A nurse showed Cooper were my room was. I was laid on a bed with the blankets folded neatly under me. I had a tube in my throat that was helping me breath. I had an IV as well as a blood bag. Cooper walked over to my bed side where I lay unconscious. He lifted up my hand and kissed it gently.

“I love you. No matter what. Please come back to me.” He whispered gently as he closed his eyes listening to my heart monitor as if it was his lullaby…….

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