Chapter 42: Speaking Of the Devil

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I walked into the house to all the guys laughing in the kitchen. “I’m afraid to ask.” I said getting a bottle of water from the fridge. Cooper smiled and pulled me on his lap.

 “You should be.” He kissed me. I snuggled into his chest.

 “What did you ‘men’ do today?” I asked putting quotes around men.

 “I guess you will have to wait to find out.” Jesse smiled. I looked at all of them confused but just shook my head.

 “Did you find a dress?” Dad asked. I looked at him wondering if I should tell him about what the lady said but he looked happy. I couldn’t be the one to ruin that.

 “Yeah, it perfect. We also found all the bride’s maid’s dresses too.” I nodded.

 “That’s good Munchkin. Now I was talking to your Grandma this morning-” I cut Poppy off.

 “When?” I asked wide eyed.

 “At about 5 I and she had some Coffee.” He shrugged.

 “You too are freaks of nature.” I grumbled. He smirked at me.

 “As I as saying before I was interrupted. Since the wedding is in two days, you are going to have a bachelorette party tomorrow. You will have fun while the boys go out for some fun.” Poppy rubbed his hands together.

 “So that means?” I sighed rubbing my hands over Coopers, which were on my lap from holding me on his waist.

 “Last night you guys get to sleep in the same bed, as that is what you two have been doing,” Dad gave Cooper the ‘you-better-not-be-sleeping-with-my-daughter-till-your-married’ look. “As non married people.”

 “Sure Daddy. What are you doing tomorrow then?” I asked grabbing a roll off the table.

 “That I cannot tell you. It’s a secret.” Cooper kissed the back of my head. “What are you doing?” I opened my mouth to answer but before I could answer Grammy spoke.

 “Now why would she tell you that?” Grammy said putting her hands on her hips looking at Cooper.

 “No Ma’am. I just, just, um Sorry Ma’am.” He stuttered. I patted his hands.

 “Grandma leave him alone.” I smiled putting my head on his shoulder. She looked at me.

 “Oh fine. God.” She huffed and sat down on Poppy’s lap.

 “So would Logan be going with you, or with us?” All the guys looked at each other.

 “It would probably be better if he went with you girls.” Dad nodded as Kirsty walked in his Logan.

 “Hey speaking of the little devil.” I smiled taking the giggling baby. “Who is a little Devil dog?” He cooed at me causing all of us to laugh.

 “Okay so that’s everything.” Dad nodded. I ran my fingers over Logan’s black peach fuzz and smiled. I felt Cooper’s lips on my head as everyone talked about sports. His lips moved to my ear where he blew lightly on it.

 “Let’s get out of here.” He whispered running his thumbs over my lower stomach. Logan turned his head and giggled at Kirsty.

 “Why?” I giggled as he tickled my hip.

 “Because I want to have my wicked way with you before you’re a married woman.” He kissed right under my ear making me giggle again.

 “I don’t know hold on.” I handed Logan to Kirsty. “Okay we are going by the lake down hold up.” I smiled whispering something in Kirsty’s ear.  I pulled Cooper out the door to the lake.

 “Baby what are we doing?” He laughed. I giggled and pulled him to the side of the lake that no one really knew about. I pulled him through the trees till we got were I wanted to be. “Wow.” He whispered looking around him. In the circle of trees there was a beautiful stream that flowed over the little pebbles. The blades of grass flowed in the wind.

“I got lost one day and I found this little area. It was perfect.” Cooper wrapped his arms around my waist and causing me to giggle.

 “I love it.” He kissed my neck trailing kisses down to my collar bone.

 “I love you.” I giggled again.

 “Not as much as I love you.” He smiled. I turned around and put my hands in his belt.

 “Now you were you saying something about having your wicked way with me before?” I smiled biting my bottom lip.

 “Hmm I think I was.” He smiled pulling my shirt off………

 I walked back to the house because it was getting pretty late. The fireflies were out making the water shine. I just laid there with Cooper on the shore. It was bliss. It was one of those moments were you will never forget, but most of all one you will always remember. After making sure our clothes were on the right way, Cooper put his shirt on backwards twice but I guess I wasn’t helping with what I was doing. But we won’t get into that. I felt Cooper’s warm hand in mine making me smiled as he pulled me closer to him. “I love you.” He smiled rubbing my knuckles.

 “I love you too.” I bumped his hips with mine and giggled. He spun me around and pulled me to his chest with a thump.

 “So I was thinking that tonight we,” he paused and looked at me as I stopped and held my stomach. “You okay Baby? Did I do something wrong? Are you in pain?” He stroked my head.

 “I’m fine, it’s not pain its weird. It doesn’t hurt it just feels weird.” I said rubbing my stomach. Cooper was looking at me with the one look I hate the most from him. “Please Cooper don’t give me that look, you know I hate it.” I groaned as we started to walk to our room.

 “Baby, it’s just. I feel so helpless when I see you like that. I love you and I want your pain to go away.” He fell back on the bed sighing running his hands over his face.

 “Coop you know I love you.” I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked his little hair. “You love me. I get it. You better love me since you are marrying me in two days. But I just hate when you get that look in your eyes and I know you are blaming yourself. It’s just indigestion, don’t worry. Promise me you won’t worry about me when you’re away?” I said taking a deep shaky. Our first real deployment talk. Cooper looked at me and pulled me down.

 “I promise that when I am away I won’t worry about you,” He smiled at me kissing my head, “too much.” I looked at him.

 “When you are on deployment when people are shooting at you, I want you to worry about you, not me.” I sighed snuggling up to him not liking this conversation.

 “No baby because I don’t have to worry about me. But I promise that I will not worry about you when I am getting shot at. That I can promise. I love you.” He smiled leaning over to click the lamp light.

 “I love you too.” I smiled kissing Cooper’s chest as my eyes slowly closed for the night. As I drifted into unconsciousness I heard Cooper whisper,

 “No matter what, I will always worry. If I’m sleeping next to you or sleeping in a bunk in the Middle East you will always be on my mind. You are my one and only Grace and you always will be.”

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