Chapter 25: Good Logan

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I walked onto the gate at the airport waiting for Dad’s flight to get in. I had all the supplies I need in my truck all I needed was for Dad to get his butt off the plane when it got here. The screen flashed and I had so many nerves in my body it was amazing I was still standing as his flight was called. I stood there waiting till I saw the very familiar camo hat coming from the plane. There my Dad stood. His deployment was finally over and he was home in time to see Jesse and Cooper graduate, he will be here when Logan is born to make up for Jesse not being here, and most all he was out of a war zone. I squealed causing him to look up and the tired looked to vanish from his face. He held his arms out as I jumped into his strong arms. I smiled at him and the tears rolled down my face. “I missed you,” were the only words out of my mouth. He held me tight as the last time he was home was for 31 day, and 24 more hours before he had to go back and I was in a coma for most of the days.

“God I missed my baby girl.” He sniffled as the tears fell down his face.

“I missed you too Daddy.” I smiled kissing his cheek. I looked at my watch.  “Come on we have to get to the High school soon so you can see them.” I smiled pulling him to get his bag and to go. When we got to the high school, we were just in time because it was about to start. I put Dad in the back as I sat in front with Connor, Megs, Kirsty, Miranda, Amber, Uncle Charlie, and Cooper’s family. One thing they did was telling everyone what college or scholarship they got and were they are going. “Nick and Taylor have joined the U.S. Army. They leave for Boot Camp in two days. Still on the topic of the Military, Jesse and Cooper here have joined the U.S. Marines and are leaving for Boot Camp in 4 days.” The rest was pretty boring, no joke. They graduated and walked across the stage. Now after was the fun part. I jumped on Cooper as he walked over to us after in his cap and gown. He kissed me and smiled spinning me around. “You did it!” I giggled at him.

“I did it.” He smiled at me and kissed me again.

“Cooper,” His Dad said. His Dad looked just like him but not as buff. They had the same eyes, same cheek bones, same dimples, same hair, and same overall face. I turned to let them have a family moment and jumped on Jesse’s back.

“You graduated!” I laughed. He smiled at me.

“I graduated!” He smiled. He then sighed. “I just wish Dad was here.” I smiled and patted his shoulder.

“What if I told you Dad was here, would you believe me?” I asked putting my hands behind my back getting off his back.

“No, I don’t think I would believe you.” He said raising one of his eyebrows.

“Well then you should trust me when I say he is.” I smiled. I see Dad walk up behind Jesse and pat his back.

“Congratulations Son.” Dad smiled causing Jesse to spin around as fast as he could. His mouth opened in shock as he didn’t think he was going to be able to come.

“You, you, are, are, here, but, but, but, how?” He asked hugging Dad.

“I had a little help from your sister.” He smiled at me. “I got the first flight I could from Lejeune and got here about an hour before and your lovely sister drove me here to see my boy graduate High school.” He smiled hugging Jesse again. He turned to Cooper and gave him a man hug. “Good to see you Kid.” He smiled happily.

“Good to see you too Jerry.” He smiled. Jesse pulled me into a huge hug as Dad hugged Connor and Megs.

“I love you so much. You made my dream come true.” He said spinning me round and round. I giggled.

“Don’t worry, I love you. It was worth it.” I smiled as Cooper held me up by putting his arms around my waist as Dad turned to Kirsty.

“On my look at that belly. Kirsty really? Did you have to swallow a beach ball?” he smiled dropping to his knees and looking at it.

“I did not, Jerry don’t be mean. I feel really fat right now.” She pouted. Dad just laughed.

“Hey little guy, it me Grandpa Jerry.” Logan kicked causing Dad to smile. “Be good for Mommy and Auntie Grace and Me. Daddy and Uncle Cooper aren’t going to be home for you being born because they are going to be Marines. But shhh don’t tell your Auntie I told you.” He kissed the bump getting a kick in the face from Logan. “Hey you little bugger.” He laughed rubbing his jaw. I laughed and patted Kirsty’s bump.

“Good Logan.” I smiled. Dad looked at me and rolled his eyes.

“We should get back to the house.” Connor said wrapping his arms around Megs.

“Yeah I have to finish cooking.” I nodded as Cooper slipped his Hurley hat on my head. I smiled at him and started to walk to my truck hand and hand.

“That went well.” He smiled.

“It did.” I nodded and sat down in the drives seat because he opened my door for me. I drove back to the house and the little family party started. I finished cooking and was sitting talking to Kirsty when she grabbed my hand and squeezed. “Hey you okay?” I asked.

“Yeah just those Braxton Hick contractions again.” She sighed. She was rubbing her belly. I watched her the rest of the time till later when we were cleaning up the kitchen, well I was she was sitting down having a stare off with the coffee pot. She grabbed her stomach and groaned.

“Kirsty you have been having them all afternoon and they are getting worse. Let me take you to the hospital.” I said drying my hands.

“No I’m fine; it’s just false labor Grace.” She said getting up. “I’m going to the bathroom I have to pee.” She said walking away. I leaned on the counter when I heard her call me.

“Yeah?” I said walking to the bathroom door. I heard her whimper so I opened the door to see her on the toilet holding her stomach. There was water all over the floor.

“Grace the baby is coming!” She screamed at me………. 

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