Chapter 62: Even When Your 45, You Will Always Be My Baby

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The next couple of weeks were fine. Nothing really happened. I was watching TV sitting on the couch in the new house with Hero lying on my thighs. I think I got over the shock of Cooper adopting a cat when he told me his story. Now I love him. He would curl up to Hunter at night and snuggle with him all night. Hunter stopped waking up from nightmares. He hasn’t wet the bed, and he was happy and loved to play with him. He was burning off energy, and that made it easier to parent him. My stitches were healing nicely so it was getting easier and easier to walk and take care of the house. Hero was purring when Hunter ran into the room. “Mommy! Mommy look what I made!” He said crawling up onto the couch and showed me a picture. It had Cooper in it in his uniform, me in a white dress that looked like my wedding dress, well in a 4 year olds mind, than it had the babies, and hero. “It’s our family Mommy.” He smiled almost jumping up and down. Cooper and I enrolled Hunter in pre-k so he could get used to it when I went back to work.

“It is Buddy.” He nodded.

“There’s TJ and Ryan and there is Hero.” He pointed to the little bodies on the paper. I kissed his head. “I can’t wait to meet them Mommy! Do you think they will like me?” He asked wide eyed as Hero purred rubbing his side.

“I think they are both going to love you. Your there big brother. They will love you forever and ever.” I hugged him close. He nodded.

“Okay Mommy. I love you. Come on Hero lets go to my room and play!” He said taking Hero and running off to his new room.

“I love you too!” I called to him. We got a bigger house so we could have a nursery for the twins. Cooper came walking in still in his uniform from when he was on duty. He walked over and kissed me.

“Hey Baby.” He smiled at me.

“Hey, how was your day?” I asked him. He kissed me again as I got up to get ready to make dinner. Cooper stood behind me with his arms around my waist.

“My day was fine. I was on Guard Duty at the gates. Nothing fun really. Saw Kirsty and Jesse, they were going out with Logan. Ruben is doing good in training, ran into him too. Nothing really happened. What about you?” He asked kissing my neck.

“I went to the hospital at about 8 after I dropped Hunter off at pre-k, Dad picked up Hunter after it, they had their little ‘Grandpa and Grandson bonding time’ then he called to bring him home because he had to go to south Carolina for something. I came home feed Hero, nothing really more.” I smiled at him.

“Hmmm, what did the doctor say?” He said kissing right under my ear.

“They are doing very well. She said they might even get to come home soon.” I smiled putting the water on to make Hunter some Mac and cheese.

“Good, I just have to finish some things off in the nursery for them and we will be good.” He smiled turning me around in his arms.

“Well you should go finish it because she said they could come home tomorrow if the check-in in the morning comes out clean and they both are heavy enough, TJ and Ryan can come home. “ Cooper hugged me to him.

“Yes.” He spun me around and kissed me. After he put me done I say Hunter standing there.

“Daddy, Mommy what’s going on?” He asked looking at the two of us.

“Buddy, your brother and sister might come home tomorrow.” He smiled. Hunter stood there and looked down.

“Honey what’s wrong?” I asked walking towards him and picked him up. He clung to my neck. “What’s wrong?”

“Are you going to still like me when the babies come home?” He whispered not looking at me. My heart broke for him.

“Of course we will still love you. Why wouldn’t we baby?” I asked kissing his head.

“Because TJ and Ryan are your babies and I’m not.” He sniffled. I hugged him closer.

“You are my baby. You always will be. Even when your 45, you will always be my baby. Ryan and TJ are my babies but so are you. You are right here.” I pointed to my heart. “You are my little buddy.” He pressed his lips to my cheek. “I love you Buddy.”

“I love you too Mommy.” He smiled. He looked at Cooper and reached for him. Cooper took him and hugged him.

“My little Buddy. I love you too.” He kissed his head.

“I love you too Daddy.” Cooper held him tightly. I smiled.

“Come on you two, dinner is ready.” I said picking up the pot of pasta………….

After dinner and a movie Hunter was asleep. I was tucking him into bed. He was fast asleep with Hero at his side sleeping. I turned off the light and closed the door half way before going to my room. Cooper was changing into some pajama pants. I looked at his tattoo and smiled. It was perfect. He had Hunter’s hand print over his heart with TJ and Ryan’s above it so it looked like a heart. When he turned around I felt the tears form in my eyes. On his middle back he had my hand print with the words I wrote on the little project I did with Hunter. I walked over and ran my fingers over it. “Cooper looked over his shoulder at me. “Hey.” He smiled.

“Hey,” I smiled. “I love you.” I smiled kissing him.

“I love you too.” He smiled pulling me onto the bed. I kissed him. “You know I always wanted to live by Semper FI, but I never thought it would be this good.” He smiled putting both of his knees on both sides of my hips.

“It’s us Marine’s girls.” I laughed. He smirked.

“Sure, baby. If that’s what helps you sleep at night.”

“Oh come on, us Marine’s Girls” I leaned up to kiss him. “We make you go Ooh-Rah.” I giggled as he tickled me. “We make them go Ooh-Rah.” He kissed me.

“Hmmm why don’t you show me that?” He smiled biting his lip. I pulled myself up to kiss him………

I laid in Cooper’s arms in bliss. I never really thought of my future too much when I first moved to Wisconsin. In a mix of 3 years. I have found my love, got shot, got engaged and married, got a nephew, lost the woman who gave birth to me and watched her die, adopted Hunter, got a cat, and had two beautiful babies. It wasn’t all that I wanted, but it was my life, and I wouldn’t change it any other way. Like I said, We Make Them Go Ooh-Rah.

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