1: Newspaper (EDITED)

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For a busy girl like me, you never have the chance to think about love and relationships.  I never get to think about what I'm looking forward to in a guy.  I mean yeah, he has to be nice and respectful, but I just can't afford to think about men at the moment. It's too much of a hassle and they're overrated.

However, two recent things happened to me.  One, my mother called me up in the middle of the night just to "check up on me".  Yeah right.  Well that wasn't her real reason on calling me.  Ever since I turned twenty, my mom has been nagging me about finding a decent man and finally settling down.  By settling down, she means getting married and having kids.  She wants grandchildren so bad and so soon.  But I don't want any...or at least I won't be having some anytime soon.

And secondly, I got fired from my job.  Which is fine by me, since I didn't really like my boss.  It sucked being his secretary.  I mean, he was old and cranky and was just so mean and rude.  But the problem was that I didn't know what I did wrong to get fired so now I'm going to have to find another job, and finding a good job here in New York city is pretty tough. 

But at least now as I'm lying on my bed, unable to sleep, I get to have the chance to think about, why don't I have a boyfriend?  I mean, I used to have boys coming here and there.  So what happened?  Oh yeah.  I know what happened.  That horrible, arrogant, self centered ass hole is probably the only reason why I don't have a boyfriend.  Other than the fact that I was too busy to even think about them.

So now that I'm twenty, I need to start knocking down all my walls that I have built up around my heart and be a little more out there.  But not enough to where I'll get my heart broken again.  I just don't need that grief in my life.  At least not yet, I'm still too young for that.

I groan, irritated that I can't sleep.  I roll over onto my side, and turn on my bedside lamp.  I sigh as I get up, and walk to the kitchen.  I flip the light switch on, and approach the counter to where the newspaper awaits. Time to be old fashioned I guess. If I want to keep this nice apartment and my car, then I need to start looking for a job that pays just as well as my old one.  I flip the pages until I get to the occupation section, and began searching.  My only requirement is that they have to be in the city.  Which I know, needless to say, that finding one that is, is already hard enough.  But the one's that are in the city, they're the good paying ones.

I spot two companies that were looking for a secretary, and they're both located in the city just like I want.  I grab a highlighter from a basket, and highlighted those two jobs. These look like they're in my criteria to work in. Anything is better than my old job anyways.

I scan the rest of the page to see if there are others like these, but couldn't find any.  But just to make sure, I do a double check.  This time, something caught my eye.  Could it be another offer?  But before I can recheck, the lights went out.

And I don't have a spare flashlight, and my phone was charging because it was dead, but now the power is out, it's not.  I'm going to have to pay for a generator soon.

Damn you thunderstorm.

I take the newspaper with me and bring it to my room.  I open up my laptop which has little battery and put in an application for one of the companies.  Hopefully I'll be able to get a call back or something of the sort.  A girl really needs a job.  Before I can apply to the other one, my laptop dies.  Argh!  Why am I so inconsistent with charging my devices!  I need to pick it up. 

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