34: I Love New York

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After our spas, we walked around the city a bit so we can show Carly around.  But I wasn't enjoying it as much as I should have.  Everyone kept drilling questions at me about the whole thing between Ian and I and Adam and I.  Like how long this has been going on, and how I need to to tell them before it blows up in my face. 

"I'm telling you, this isn't going to end well for you."  Taylor says, as we wait for Carly to take pictures of the Empire State Building. 

I shake my head, disagreeing.  "Not if I keep it away from both of them.  If they don't find out, then everything will be okay." 

Jess lets out a frustrated groan.  "But that's the thing.  It won't be okay." 

"Liz, just please be careful and don't let this go way too out of hand."  Stella advises. 

I nod my head.  "Okay I won't." 

Carly walks back over to us with her phone in hand.  "I love New York."  She breathes. 

"So if you were to choose, who would it be?  Adam, or Ian?"  Taylor asks. 

I shrug, "I mean I'm already with Ian, so...".

"So, doesn't mean you like him.  Answer the question Liz."  Carly jumps in, as we walk to our next touristy attraction. 

I roll my eyes as I huff out a sigh.  "Do I really have to answer?" 

Taylor gives me a ridiculed look.  "Of course you have to." 

I look at all of them, and they all stare back at me with expectation.  I sigh, there's no way I'm getting out of this. 

"Fine," I inhale a breath, "If I were to really choose one of them...then it'd be...Adam."  I answer.  They all give me shocked expressions.  Except for Carly.  Carly is giving me a defiant expression of I told you so.  But I'm surprised at the words that came out of my mouth.  I wasn't expecting myself to randomly pick Adam.  I was for sure going to say Ian.  My stupid brain betrayed me. 

"I knew it."  Carly utters. 

We were all quiet for a good moment, just watching cars pass by while we were just standing in the middle of the sidewalk. 

"Does Adam like you?"  Stella quietly asks. 

I gave her one look and telling by that, she already knew the answer to her question. 

"Hmm...well that's a total game changer."  She mumbles. 

"You want to know what I think?"  Jess says. 

I shrug, "Sure." 

"I think you and Adam will be a perfect fit.  I mean, come on, who can deny a nice piece of hunk like him?" 

I roll my eyes as I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.  "Shut up." 

"But be honest.  What's Ian like?  Are you actually happy with him?  Do you really like him?"  Taylor asks. 

I sit on that for a moment.  All of these questions were for me to think about later while I'm sitting in my bed late at night.  But these girls want me to get it all out with them.  They want a decision out of me at this moment. 

"I don't know.  I guess I kind of like who I am with Ian."  I answer, glancing over at Carly. 

"What about Adam?"  Stella questions. 

"I don't know either.  Adam says that he really wants me to be his but he's still dating Vianna."  I respond. 

"Maybe he doesn't like Vianna?"  Jess suggests.

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