65: Trust Me

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As soon as I get situated back in my apartment, I dial Carly's number hoping she'd pick up.  But it goes straight to voicemail each time.  After the fifth time of me calling her, I finally decide to leave a voice message. 

"Hey Carly...it's me.  Listen, I can't tell you how sorry I am for what I said to you.  I was wrong and I feel like the worst friend possible.  Please, please, please call me back."  And with that, I end the call, hoping that she'd listen to it and eventually will call me back.

I can't believe I would accuse my best friend of something like that.  If she never tried to "steal" my man growing up, then why would she start now?  I'm such a horrible person.  I really need her to answer my calls or call me back so I can try to get her back.  Oh god, I'm such an awful person.  What am I gonna do?  I can't just sit around and wait for her to call me back because that could take days or even the worst case, she won't even call back. But it's not like I know where she went either. For all I know, she could've booked a flight back home.

I sigh as I flop down on my couch. I need someone to talk to. I need help. I raise my phone up so it's eye level and begin dialing my mom. But I stop and reconsider. What is she gonna do? It's not like she can somehow make Carly come back and be my friend again. I sigh once more and put my phone down. No, I got myself into this mess and now I need to figure my way out.

I think about what place she's most likely to be at, but came up blank. Now that I think about it, I haven't spent much time with Carly ever since she arrived except home. The only places I went with her was when her and I hung out with my friends. Like Coney Island, going to the spa or walking around the city. Wow, I've been so wrapped up with Adam and Ian and the stupid little drama in between that I haven't even took the time to actually do something one on one with her. I'm such a great friend.

The only way for me to reach out to her is by calling.  And she hasn't exactly been jumping to pick up the phone.  But I guess it doesn't hurt to keep trying. 

I redial her number once again, hearing the monotone of the ring.  As time passes, I know she's not gonna pick up.  Knowing that she can't hold a grudge for this long, I try again.  But still, she doesn't budge.  I go at it again one more time, almost giving up.  As the ringing progressed along with time, I was about to give up, until she picked up on the last ring. 

"What do you want?"  She answers in a cold, but hurt tone. 

I blow out a sigh of relief, happy that I got a hold of her.  "Carly," I think about my words carefully.  "Please come back." 

"Why should I?"  She mutters.

"So I can apologize to you in person." I answer, hope laced in my voice.

"So you now want to apologize?"

I nod my head, "yes I really want to and need to."

"I don't know...what if you don't mean it..." she trails off with doubt.

I blow out a sigh. "Look, I know I've been a horrible friend to you lately, but I want to fix that now. I can't stand not having you around."

"But how do I know that you're not gonna accuse me again?" 

"You just have to trust me."  I simply answer. 

There was a long pause on her end, and the longer the silence dragged out, the more worried I got that she would say no. 

"Alright, fine.  I'll come back."  She flatly states. 

My heart soared as a smile erupted on my face.  "Thank you so much!" 

"Yeah."  And with that, she ends the call. 

Even though she's still pissed at me, I'm glad that I finally got a hold of her and that she's giving me another chance. 

I was about to prepare a little snack, but I heard a knock on my door not too long after my conversation.  I wonder who that could be? 

I open the door and am completely surprised when I see Carly standing right in front of me with her luggage sitting next to her.

"Hey...Carly...you got here awfully fast."  I mumble, trying to think about all the possible scenarios on how she could've gotten here this quick. 

Her pissed demeanor vanishes for a moment as she exchanges it with a sheepish look.  "I uh...I've been sitting on a bench at the end of your block...I didn't really leave." 

I nod my head as I let that sink in.  She's been out there all this time!?  Ah I should've at least went outside to try and look for her.  Damn it. 

"Oh...well, come in."  I say, widening the door so she can enter and close it behind her. 

Once she gets settled, I look at her, meeting my eyes with hers.  "Carly, I am so sorry that I would accuse you of having something with Ian.  I know you're not like that and I know that-"

She raises a hand a cuts me off.  "It's okay.  I thought about everything ever since I left.  And although you had no right to assume anything, I do understand how you would think something like that." 

"Really?"  I ask, confused. 

She nods her head.  "Yes, I tried putting myself in your shoes and thought about how I would feel if my boyfriend gave my friend more attention than me.  So I can see where that kind of assumption would come from." 

I'm speechless.  I wasn't expecting this kind of response from her.  She's supposed to still be mad at me and not want to talk to me.  But instead, she's actually cooperating with me.  Not that I'm complaining, it's just that I'm taken completely off-guard. 

"But-but-" I sputter, trying to get my words straight. 

"I know, you're sorry.  And I accept your apology.  We've been friends for way too long for me to not accept it over something small."  She says, looking at me with eyes full of understanding. 

I don't know what to do or say.  So instead, I just pull her into a hug.  "I've missed you so much."  I mumble. 

It takes her a few seconds to respond to my gesture, but she eventually hugs back.  "Me too." 


Author's Note: HEY GUYS!!!  So um...please don't kill me.  I'm super sorry for the EXTREMELY late update.  I've been slackin a lottile.  But I really appreciate all the love and concern that you guys have been sending my way!!!  Without you, I probably wouldn't have gotten the motivation to even update.  Oh and I'm really sorry that I gave you guys a short chapter...i feel bad because I haven't updated in a while and I give you guys a short little chapter.  But I promise that the next one would be longer and more interesting!!!

1.) do you think Carly should've accepted Elie's apology?

Lots and LOTS AND LOTS of love sent your way!!!  Til next time love bugs!! ❤️🌞😘💕

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