63: Long Sunday

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I just stand here, shocked at what she's telling me.  Why would she want to move out?  I thought she didn't have anywhere else to live?  Yes I'm mad at her, but I would still let her live here until she finds a place. 

"Carly listen to me, none of this is your fault.  There's no reason for you to move out.  Just please stay."  I attempt to reason, sitting down on the couch next to her. 

But she shakes her head.  "No, I've already made my decision.  I'm really sorry Elizabeth.  I don't know what to say." 

Despite me being pissed off at her, I actually feel hurt.  Like this is a goodbye forever.  I can't say goodbye to my best friend who's been there for me through thick and thin.  And I feel like if I let her leave, then I won't ever see her again. 

"Say you won't leave."  I mumble, my throat getting tight. 

"I can't.  I saw how much pain I'm causing you."  She replies, shaking her head. 

"What pain?  Carly just pleas-" I begin, but she holds a hand up, cutting me off. 

"Last night, I saw how you reacted whenever Ian would talk to me and not you.  I saw how much hurt and anger were in your eyes." 

I open my mouth to say something, but close it back up.  She's right.  I was hurt, angry, felt betrayed and annoyed.  So what could I say to that?  Nothing.  Because it's all true. 

Carly sees that I'm not going to say anything so she picks her suitcases up and looks down at me with sorrow in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Elizabeth."  And with that, she walks out of the door, closing it behind her. 

I just sit here, stunned at what all just went down.  I came home thinking that I would give Carly my piece of mind, but only for her to want to move out on me like this.  Now I don't have a roommate anymore.  I don't have anyone to talk to. 

I think about calling Adam for comfort, but decide not to since he's in church, and I'm not calling my mother either.  And I'm definitely not talking to Ian at the moment.  So it's just me and my thoughts alone...just like how it used to be. 

I sigh, this is going to be a very long Sunday.  Maybe if I chase after Carly to try to change her mind...I mean she'll have to call an uber or take a good walk to hail the nearest taxi. 

I run out of my apartment and run outside to find her.  When I don't see her, I begin to get a horrible feeling settling in my stomach.  But as I was about to turn around and go back inside, I spot her walking down the sidewalk at the end of the street. 

"Carly!"  I call out, jogging to catch up to her. 

She turns around with a confused look on her face.  I catch up to her and take a moment to catch my breath a little bit due to the brisk cool air. 

"Please don't leave me.  You're my best friend and I can't have you walk out of my life like this."  I beg. 

A look of sorrow flashes across her eyes as it looks like she's actually contemplating her decision.  But in the end, she shakes her head. 

"I'm sorry."  She whispers and then turns around to continue walking away. 

Instead of feeling sad, I feel angry now.  I don't know why she's being stubborn and not listening to me.  She doesn't understand how much I need her. 

"Coward!"  I call out. 

I watch her stop in her tracks and turn around, wearing a confused look. 

"Excuse me?"  She says. 

I hold my chin out and nod my head, keeping my ground.  "Yeah, you're being a coward." 

Carly laughs this off and shakes her head.  "What makes me a coward?" 

"Everything.  The fact that you don't want to face whatever issues you have that's making you leave.  The fact that you didn't even try to ignore Ian last night-"

"I'm sorry that I didn't want to be rude and just not talk to him like that!"  She blurts, cutting me off. 

I roll my eyes.  "There's a fine line between talking to someone and flirting.  You were flirting the whole night with Ian." 

"Why would I do such a thing?  He's with you!"  She says. 

"Oh give me a break, Carly.  I know you have feelings for Ian.  And I hate the fact that you can't even tell me-your best friend-that."  I snap. 

Carly stands there, looking stunned at what I'm saying.  Like she can't believe what's coming out of my mouth. 

"Are you being serious right now?"  She quietly says. 

I give her a firm look as I cross my arms.  "Why wouldn't I be?" 

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes.  "Then you must not know me that well then." 

I watch her turn around and begin to walk away.  But I wasn't finished with her yet.  I need closure on this.  She can't just do this and  expect everything to be perfectly fine. 

"What do you mean?"  I ask, catching up to her. 

Carly sighs as she turns back around.  "Elizabeth, I've never tried 'stealing' your man.  Never during high school, college or even now.  I would never try flirting with them either.  So it really hurts that you would think I would swoop down that low.  If I've never done something like this before, then why would you think I would do it now?" 

I think about this for a moment.  She does have a point.  Carly never tried stealing any of my boyfriends, she's never flirted with any of them and she's never took sloppy seconds.  But that doesn't mean that she wouldn't start now, would it?  I mean people do change.  So maybe she's decided to change her ways and try things a little differently now. 

"Of course I would think that now.  Why wouldn't I?  When Ian focuses his attention to you instead of me, how could I not think that?"  I reply, knitting my brows together. 

"Because I'm not like-"

"I'm going to ask you this one more time.  Do you or do you not like Ian?"  I cut her off. 

She scoffs as she rolls her eyes, obviously annoyed by this conversation.  "I already gave you my answer.  And I'm done with this little talk.  Bye, Elizabeth." 

She turns back around and starts walking off.  And this time, I let her leave. 

I storm back into my apartment, frustrated at her.  She is such a fake friend.  Everything that she told me in defense was bullshit.  And it's hard to believe what she says when all I could think about was how she was giggling at Ian's jokes last night. 

I've changed my mind.  I'm gonna go have a nice little chat with Ian.  I think I still remember where he lives if he's home today.  If not, then I'm gonna call him endlessly until he picks up his damn phone. 

I need to know what the hell is happening.


Author's note: heeeeeeyyyyyy sorry for late update.  Just been busy with soccer and summer assignments 😒.  ANYWAYS, here's an update for y'all and I hope you guys like it!  It took me a moment to figure out how I wanted things to go down between Elie and Carly. 

1.) do you believe Carly's story?

Xoxo love bugs ❤️ 😘

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