33: Spa Day

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After a good few hours of watching Grey's Anatomy, I decided to make a group chat with the girls.

Me: Hey guys! Do you all want to come over my house and I'll treat you in for a spa day?

I didn't even have to wait long for them to reply back.

Stella: Omg, yes girl please.

Jess: I could use a spa day

Taylor: Yeeeessss!!

Me: Ok great. Come by at my house around 11

Stella: Sounds good.

I turned my phone off and plugged it in so it could charge all the way. I walked out of my room and saw Carly still asleep. If I want us to all be at the spa by twelve, then I need her up. I tap her on the shoulder a few times, but she wouldn't budge. Tapping came to nudging and she still wouldn't wake up. So there was only one thing I could do. I grabbed a nearby pillow and began whacking her in the head with it.

"Carly wake up!" I say.

She grumbles and I thought that she was finally awake so I stop hitting her. Until she stopped making noises and rolled back over. I sigh and began hitting her again.

"Wake up!" I yell.

I continue to hit her until she snaps her head up and glares at me. "I'm awake!" She hisses.

I smirk at her. "Took you long enough."

She rubs her eyes and sits up from her spot. "What do you want anyways?"

I give her a smile, "Well, I invited my work friends over so we could all go on a spa day. My treat!"

Carly's eyes go big as a smile stretches across her face. "Really?"

"Yes," I nod my head. "But I need you to get ready because they're coming at eleven and it's already ten-thirty."

"How come you're not dressed?" She accuses, examining my sleep attire.

I sigh, "Because I had to make sure that you were up."


"So do what you have to do and I'll go get ready as well." I say, walking into my room.

I looked at the shopping bags that were still sitting on my floor and thought maybe I could wear what's in the bags. But then decided against it since I reserved them strictly for Rio.

I went into my closet and took out a pair of black pants and grabbed a blue shirt to go along with it. I styled my hair into a top messy bun and stuck some bobby-pins to uphold some of the rebellious strands.

I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face so I could reapply some light makeup. When I was done, I left my room along with my half charged phone and closed the door behind me.

"Carly, are you all dressed?" I call out.

"Yeah! I'm in the kitchen."

I walk into the kitchen and see her dressed in leggings with a white shirt and gray cardigan. She's leaning over the counter with her phone, looking really stressed.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

She looks up at me and nods her head. "Yeah everything is fine." But I can tell she's lying because her voice raises up an octave or two when she does lie.

"Carly...?" I prod, quirking my eyebrow up in question.

She sighs. "Fine. I just got a notification from the court that they postponed my arraignment date to next Tuesday."

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