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I need to sit down.

But I wouldn't take the risk of walking past him just yet.

So I slowly sat on the floor, stretching my shirt so it covered my legs as I melted. Not literally but I just felt like I was melting. Because the air circulating this room suddenly turned humid, and that there's a shirtless man in my kitchen.

This must be some kind of joke. He might be a psycho-stalker and heard me last night while I was drunk.

With that sudden thought, my hands started to break out in a cold sweat.

Maybe he saw my ladybug lingerie too.

I looked up and found him sitting back on the stool, eating my apple. The nerve.

"How much did you spend?" I asked, staring at his face.

He probably had his face done so women wouldn't panic when he stabbed them to death. I saw him wiping some apple juice from his mouth with his thumb, a look of confusion on his face.

I swallowed.

Psycho-stalkers do not make women feel the tingle Catherine Wright.

"Excuse me? "He didn't get the question. I can tell by the way his brows furrowed. I was supposed to ask an indirect question but he was rude enough to trespass and steal my food. Surely, I have the right to be rude, too.

"Plastic surgery. How much did it cost you? "I knew from the way his lips twitched that he was trying not to smile.

"Can't a man be good-looking just because his ma and pa's genes were perfect?" I can already feel the burning sensation on my neck, creeping its way to my cheeks.

No no. Act tough Cat.

"I didn't call you good-looking." I raised a brow as a last resort to look haughty.

"Then why would you assume that I went under the knife?" He too, raised his eyebrow. He thinks this is all a game.

I opened my mouth.

Closed it.

He does have a point.

"Since you've devoured my apple. You can leave." I stood up and slowly walked backwards, planning to simply go to the living room. I'm giving him the chance to leave scot free. Once I reach my phone, and he still isn't out of my apartment, he'll be explaining about his trespassing, apple stealing tale to the cops.

I stopped dead on my tracks when I heard him laugh. His voice giving me chills but for some reason, draws me to the sound of his voice. "Your apple? Your apple? I can leave now that I've devoured your...apple?"

Okay now I'm confused. Why is he laughing? What's so funny about apples?

He was definitely a psycho. Glaring at him, I continued my way to safety.

"Your name's Catherine Marks Wright. 'Marks' being your mom's maiden name. Daughter of restaurateur Elise Marks and businessman Vincent Wright. You have a sister, Aubrey? You're twenty four and you read to publish books for a living. Am I right, Miss Wright?" My eyes widened as I turned to face him. He was still sitting in the kitchen, looking like he owned the place. I just picked up my phone when he said his research.

Red warning lights were flashing inside my head. Definitely a psycho-stalker.

He got your sister's name wrong Catherine. And he only said basic info about you.

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