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"Is she awake?"

"I don't know. Damon said we should leave her alone.'

"She's not usually his type. She may be good in be-"

"Keep your voice down. He's going to kill us if he finds out we're even here."

I frowned. Who in the name of Damon are these people? I groaned and curled myself into a ball. Judging from the coldness of my skin, we're probably in an igloo somewhere near Santa's workshop. I was beginning to fall back to sleep when the voices continued.

"I didn't know he's into brunettes now. I always pictured him as a blonde-woman man."

I heard a slapping sound like they just high-fived each other. Really? Damon jokes this early in the morning?

My eyes suddenly opened.

Wait what. Morning...morning?


"Oh shit she's awake. Let's get out of here." I heard shoes running towards the door but I looked soon enough to see it open and the two men who were talking behind my back (literally), stopped and backed off. As the door opened, I heard noises. Drilling noises of some sort of machinery. I squinted my eyes and saw a street style sign painted on the far wall.

The Garage

"I specifically told you two to stay out of my office." I saw a man wearing a white V-neck and jeans that looked like they were begging to retire judging from its 'I've been washed a lot of times before' color. I looked closely and recognized Damon. His face had dirt on it and so did his shirt. Such a smart move to play car doctor on a white shirt. As he entered the room, I can't help but notice how he stood out. The walls were white, with him looking like a hot version of a chimney cleaner. Okay so I'm not good with similes or metaphors but seeing him with the other two, he reminded me of a crow. The kind that looked at you and knew that you were going to die.
See? I told you I'm awful at metaphors.

"We just wanted to have a peek. Old Benjie won't tell us who you brought over last night." the man with brown hair glanced my way.

"Well you had your peek. Now scram." Damon turned towards a table, got a towel and started cleaning his hands.

I scowled at him even though he wasn't looking at me. I sat up and discovered that I was draped with a small blanket. Placing it on my lap, I looked at my surrounding. It was an office. No air-conditioning but it felt like there was. The only splash of color would be his wooden desk and the red sofa I'm assuming is where I slept in the whole night. I wonder where Damon slept. I mean the couch was big enough for two if they squeezed into it. And then it hit me. The only reason that I didn't freeze to death meant I had something or rather someone to warm me up last night. That explains the snoring sounds I heard. Looking up, I saw them staring at me. I felt heat creep on my neck up to my cheeks. So I did what I usually did when I felt awkward; looking at my hands.

Of course you look like crap Catherine.

"Don't stare at her."

I turned to see Damon eyeing them.

"You don't have to be rude you know. Staring hasn't killed anyone." I whispered to myself but it seems like the guys heard and they suddenly gasped. They spoke at the same time with the same wonder in their voices.

"It's human."

"It can speak."

Frowning, I turned to Damon and gave him a questioning look. I know I look like I got hit by a bike (because being hit by a train or a bus would mean I'm bloody dead) but I wasn't expecting them to be shocked by the fact that I am in fact a human being who can talk. I think it's safe to say that no woman would want to be stared at the moment they open their eyes especially if they've been drinking the night before.

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