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For the nth time since being under the same roof, I opened my eyes with his face close to mine.

Whoever started the fantasy of a man looking at you even if you were a bird's mess clearly didn't tell the woman's point of view.

"Why are you in my bed?" rubbing my eyes, I lifted my head a little so he could remove his arm from under me.

"Technically, you're in my bed." I frowned and tried getting up but my body, deciding that it was too early, settled on pressing my elbows on Damon's bed instead. Moving the strands away from the corner of my mouth, I took a look around.

Too bright

Clearly not my room.

I turned my head, feeling the sheets move as he sat up. He groaned as he moved his arm around. My head's not that heavy. Is it?

He looked like he's been awake for a while. He made grunting noises as he stretched, his long arms up in the air. My eyes travelled down to see his bare chest, the claw marks similar to mine barely noticeable now.

The good news is, he's not the kind of guy who sleeps naked.For all I know, he may have just decided to wear something because I'm sleeping with him. Well not with him with him.

The bad news is, he may have not slept naked, but going to bed with just boxers on wouldn't make a twenty-four year-old virgin feel less awkward than she already feels either.

"Apple green huh." He looked up at me, my cheeks already feeling like they're going to burn up.

Why must you blurt out what's on your mind Catherine.

"They didn't have hulk green." He grinned as he simply covered his lower body with a pillow, rubbing the back of his neck. He's as embarrassed with this as I am.

And Hulk green?


I cleared my throat and got up,clutching a pillow to cover my body from him. Why does this guy not give a single frick frack when his hair's just as messy as mine? It looked like a cow fairy decided to lick his head and he still managed to look darn fine afterwards. Mine on the other hand, looked like someone tried to find a needle on a haystack and decided to give up halfway. His eyes were focused on mine, a small hesitant smile on his face. Either that or he's trying hard not to laugh at the fact that I look like a crazy person.

"You have..." he pointed out the corner of my mouth and mouthed what I think was 'drool' . Me being the idiot that I was, didn't even bother turning around and just wiped it off as he watched.

Very attractive Cat.

He got up and I had to avert my gaze just so I wouldn't be tempted to swoon. What. I'm human. I may be a little weird for the majority of the male population but I can identify an attractive male when I see one.

A large shadow loomed over mine and I had to look up to him standing in front of me,a look of what I can only assume as amusement on his face.

"So which would you prefer? See souls on a Thursday or just be oblivious of it all and go to work as usual?" He had his hands resting on his waist, my face a hand away from his neck. I stepped back as his hand touched my hair. He raised a brow at me and I was obliged to stay still. He held my hair gently and away from my neck. I turned my head to the side so he could have a better view.

Of my neck.

I'm still not sure where I got the wound. As Damon said, my fingernails can't even make him bleed.

Her, Saving GraceWhere stories live. Discover now