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I'm stopping by my moms house to check on her since I haven't seen her in a while. Knowing she is going to talk my head off about not visiting her and her not seeing Addie but she'll be alright.

We've been busy trying to get our relationship together. And since Addie is back at a different childcare place she never gets to see her grandchild.

I checked under the mat for the spare key she usually leaves me but it wasn't there. She started leaving a key for those times when me and Lauren get into arguments to keep me out of trouble. My mother knows Lauren likes to push my buttons so she lets me calm down at her place.

"The fuck?" I mumbled putting the mat back down. We're going to have a talk about this one. I beat the door impatiently but still no response.

Her car is parked in the parking lot so I know her ass is here. I retrieve my phone from my pocket but just as I was about to call her she opened the door.

"Hey son." She smiled awkwardly poking her head out without fully opening the door.

She got me fucked up if she think I came all the way over here to have a conversation on the porch.

"Wassup wit this?" I frowned. I really hope she's not doing what I think she doing.

"With what?" She pretended to be confused brushing her hair out of her face:

"You won't even let me in, What you got going on?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Son I'm grown." She said trying to convince herself.

She tries to make herself believe that she's grown but her having me at such a young age makes us not to far from each other.

"Yea whatever I'm not bout to play momma have ya fun I'a see you in a minute." I turned to walk off so she could get back to God knows whatever she was doing. "And tell that nigga in there he better be gone before I bring your grand daughter over here when she get out of school."  I headed back towards my car.

I don't know why I hate the idea of my mother dating so bad. I guess I just don't want her to get hurt like she didn't when my dad left.

He broke her heart and turned her into the cancer stick smoker she is today.  She was a barely a teenager when she had me she could hardly take care of herself let alone raise me. But my dad ain't care she was just something he hit and slipped up and got pregnant.

If he walked pass me on the street I wouldn't know it was him which is why I will dedicate my life to having a good relationship with my daughter.

I guess I'll go hang out with Cordell I hope he don't got no females lurking around. After what I almost witnessed I'm not in the mood to hear Lauren's mouth.



"Hoe you better not be pregnant." Brea lectured.

I informed her and Andrew about my "sickness" and that was her first assumption.

"I doubt it my stomach was just hurts and I get the urged to empty it when I smell something too sweet." I frowned. Rubbing my belly through my shirt.

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