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"When are you picking up Addie? Mommy is going to be here soon don't forget I have school tomorrow." Taylor asked for the millionth time.

I love my sister but she was getting on my last nerve. I know she wants to see Addie I miss my baby girl too but, Ajayy and I agreed on a specific pick up time.

"Let me see what her daddy says." I retrieve my phone off the nightstand.

"Jayy." He answered on the third ring and I didn't bother greeting him.

"Wassup?" I heard the laughter of Addie in the background.

"What are y'all doing?" I smiled hearing that Addie was enjoying herself.

"I'm just giving her a bubble bath she rubbed that edge control that you left here all over herself."

I could only imagine how shiny and sleek she looked I wish I was their to see it.

"Oh my gosh noo. You popped her?" I pondered.

"Nah I was bout to but it was too funny how shiny she was." He admitted.

He is more easier on her than I am when it comes to discipline but when she gets into boys I know that will surely change.

"Laur." I heard Taylor whine.

"Oh yeah, Jay Taylor is over here and she wants to see Addie you think you can bring her home a little earlier?" I questioned.

I don't want to take away from the already small amount of time he gets but Taylor hasn't seen Addie since I was kicked out months ago.

"Lauren I barely get to see her as is." His tone changed.

"I know baby but Taylor hasn't seen her since I moved in with you." I whined unconsciously calling him baby.

"Baby?" He questioned a little optimistic.

"Jayy she hasn't seen her in forever." I reworded myself.

"I miss you as much as she miss Addie so how about we meet in the middle?" He offered.

"And what's the middle?" I questioned.

"We can go see a movie."



Lauren found herself wrapped in Ajayy's arms as the kids and them enjoyed Paddington which had been released a few weeks ago.

"I missed you." He slipped in her ear followed by a soft kiss which made the anger she had in her heart for him dissolve.

As much as she begged herself not to fall under his spell he always had a powerful effect on her. And she couldn't help but get lost in his love forgetting the other guy she was stringing along.

"I missed you too." She met his lips stubbornly slipping back into his trance. Ajayy brought her body as close as it could possibly and they enjoyed the rest of the movie.

It came to an end and Lauren knew she had to get Taylor back to her dad's before her mom came to retrieve her.

So Ajayy dropped them back her dads house being sure to take the long way.

"I'a see you in the morning."he leaned over a placed a soft kiss on Lauren's  lips which surely enjoyed but didn't show him.

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