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I read y'all comments too y'all really be going on poor Lauren, she not always going to make the right decision she's still young.


"I would like a chocolate chip waffle, a side of hash browns and a cup of orange juice." I slowly closed the menu placing it back onto the table.

"And for you sir?" the mid forties caucasian women asked.

"The T -Bone meal. " Ajayy shrugged. I could tell he did want to be here.

"And your drink?" she pressed her pin onto the pad impatiently.

"A Sprite extra ice." He answered her before placing his loving eyes back onto me.

"Okay coming right up. " she pranced off.

"So how has your morning been going." Ajayy smiled taking my hands into his massaging my thumb with his.

"Good. " I shyly smiled back at him. "We havent been out to breakfast in forever. " His gaze still makes me nervous.

Momma Nae wanted to spend the day with Addie so sweet dropped her off and spontaneously decided to come to Waffle House.

"Ion' know why you wanted to come to this raggedy ass restaurant. " he frowned releasing my hands.

"Cause' I love there cho–"

"Calate Waffles, I knowwww' you've been talking about them all morning."

"Because they're soo good. " I groaned gently biting my lips.

"They better be, dragging me in here." He used his hands to brush some dust off the table.

Our waitress returned balancing our drinks on a black tray before placing them onto the table.

"Here's your Orange juice." she slid me my drink.

"And here's your Sprite with extra ice. " She placed Ajayy's drink down with two straws.

"Your food is just a few more seconds. " she spoke before leaving us alone again.

"Sooo...." I brightly smiled at him in an high pitched voice.

"Sooo,  what?" he mimicked me.

"Kera wants to have a double date." I chewed my straw, a bad habit of mine.

"What are we thirteen?" he frowned. "And I know Cordell ass ain't agree to that. "

"Actually he did." I collapsed my hands.  "And please baby it'll be fun. "

"Here is your waffle,  and hash browns. And here is youre T-bone meal. Let me know if you need anything else or are ready to pay." She gave us our utensils before disappearing again.


"Well that was different." I spoke over the clicking of my black pumps onto the cool pavement.

"Very, I didn't expect the movie to end like that. " Kera added. "Don't you think so babe?" Kera questioned Cordell.

"It was straight." he shrugged pretending he wasn't interested but I could of sworn he dropped a few tears during the movie.

16 and...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora