16: Jarryd

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Jarryd eyed the moon creeping ever higher above the tree canopy. Taniel was late. He found it hard to believe she had forgotten, or changed her mind.

He eyed his fidgeting green dragon, expecting another admonishment any moment for issuing the invitation. If she turned up, they would fly. He no longer cared if they were seen. There was no law against flying at night in this part of the country — as long as they kept away from the castle.

Still, it would be best to hug the landscape until further south, nearer the Wilds where Rufus would find good hunting. He and the girl would have to dismount, of course, and that was a bad idea considering he was unarmed.

What if they were attacked? If he lived, he would have a hard time explaining how he had let her be taken, or killed, by rockgoblins.

She might enjoy the wilder ride of the hunt. He loved the thrill of riding a swooping dragon, but it usually terrified new riders. Jarryd smirked. Taking a girl on an exhilarating flight had romantic benefits. He let his mind dwell on pleasant possibilities.

"She is here," growled the dragon. His lowest speaking voice shattered the silence.

Jarryd lost his smirk and listened hard. Eventually, he heard the sounds of hesitant movement through the scrub. He turned to Rufus. "We should've organised a signal," he whispered. "What if it's not her?"

Rufus snorted.

"This way, Taniel," he called, glaring at Jarryd. Stray moonlight danced from his green orbs. "We will hunt." His voice rumbled deep in his chest as if he stoked his fire-cells. Perhaps he did.

Taniel rushed into the clearing. She mumbled something about her aunt.

"Better late than never," Jarryd said. "Let's go." He leapt upon the dragon's back. He reached down, took her hand, and heaved her up behind him. She giggled when she caught her trousers on the spike between them. At first, she grabbed fistfuls of his jacket but then wrapped her arms firmly around him. Warm breath puffed on the back of his neck as her breathing quickened. He hoped she wouldn't panic when Rufus launched.

What if she fainted?

He patted one of her hands. Aware of the delightful way her bosoms mashed against his back, he decided not to trade places. He could always grab her leg or arm if her grip on him should loosen.

Aye, his dragon would hunt.

Threat of rockgoblins would not spoil his fun.


5 Aug 2021 fixed em dash (I use them too much and prefer them unspaced); changed a few other words.

9 March 2017 - replaced with revised scene

Thanks for reading!



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