68: Taniel - Reunion

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A light rapping dragged my thoughts from my unexpected pregnancy. When the door eased open, no one was there but I caught a whiff of dragon.

"Jarryd," I whispered, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. The perfection of his arrival astounded me. This time I did not rush at him but waited for him to come to me.

His footfalls were hesitant.

I held out my hands but he did not touch me — not at first. Just as I started to wonder if he had been a party to my kidnapping, he took my hand.

I moved over on the bed and the mattress sank under his weight.

"I wish I could see you," I said, touching his face and trying desperately to remember what he looked like. Our only day-lit meeting seemed like weeks ago, now, and I was afraid my memory of him resembled too much of his brother.

"I shouldn't be here. I need to know how you feel about... this."

I jumped when he rested a hand on my stomach.

"You know?" I said.

"Dax told me. Well, what do you think?"

"I want us to be a family," I said.

"As do I." He sighed and pulled me to his chest. "I was afraid you wouldn't want me after what my family has done to you. I guess a red dragon makes up for that, though."

"My child must have a father," I said. "Dragon or no." It was on the tip of my tongue to say I could not imagine growing up without my father, when I thought better of it. Jarryd had spent little time with his.

"And, anyway," I said, instead. "We are betrothed. You must marry me."

"My pleasure." He kissed me, then. "I better go before Paget comes with your tea. I will be visible soon. Remember, sweetheart, our betrothal must stay secret. Mother might harm our baby if she suspects. She seems set on Dax."

I did not own up that our baby had been saved by the abduction. Surely, without thinking, I would have taken the same preventative herbs this morning, on rising, as was my custom after unexpected beddings.

He kissed my nose.

"I will not be able to look at you, sweetheart, for my feelings will be plain."

I giggled, ridiculously pleased.

"Go," I told him, while I had the will to let him leave.

He kissed my forehead.

After he had gone, the burnt earthy smell of dragon lingered. My thoughts turned to our babe's grandfather and I wondered what Father would think about my unexpected child, my dragonrider, and the little dragon.

Perhaps the dragon was not as important to me as it had been but a moment ago.


1 April 2017 - replaced with revised scene



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