25: Taniel - In the Den

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In the den, I waited for Father with some trepidation. I hoped he would not complain about the amount of coin I had spent on my dresses. It was Erin's idea, the costly emerald green silk. It matched the eyes on the little dragons on my betrothal ring from Jarryd. Erin said if I was going to wed, I should do it in style. I would have settled for simpler designs but I ended up with two gowns fit for a princess.

Everyone assumed I had settled for Peter, except Peter.

Father came in and sat behind his desk.

"Where is your bracelet?" he said, without preamble.

I stared at him, startled.

Of all the questions for which I had prepared half-truths, this was not one. I gawked at the swathe of pale skin bordering my wrist.

"It's gone."

"You didn't take it off?" His voice was slurred and the den filled with the stink of whiskey.

"I didn't even notice it was gone," I said, trying to remember when I had last seen it. The bracelet was always there, growing with me, and was not something I ever gave any special attention. I shrugged. "I'll have a look around. See if I can find it."

I wondered why he needed so much to drink before asking about my mother's parting gift. I knew speaking of her was painful for him. My anger, when he was unable to tell me if she was dead or alive, did not help.

Not knowing, was the worst part of her desertion, as far as I was concerned. Sometimes, like now, I wished I had a grave for me to spit on as atonement for the pain she caused him.

"I've already looked everywhere, Taniel."

"I'll do my room," I mumbled, standing, biting on my bottom lip to stop cruel words from gushing forth.

"I've looked," he said. "Just now, sorry."

"Oh. It must have snagged in the woods." I wrinkled my nose. "I didn't feel it pull."

Worry deepened the lines on his face. He fingered his armring as if looking for the catch.

"Don't," I said, jumping to my feet and reaching out and taking his hand. "That means more to you than the bracelet does to me."

"But, your mother wanted..." He pulled his hand free, determination set on his lips, but I walked away, shaking my head.

"I'll look from here to the cave, right now," I said.

I rushed out, well aware that I should be asking why the panic over a simple bracelet. He had felt the need to invade the privacy of my bedroom.

I did not know what was going on, but I had things of my own to worry about. I was just grateful Father had not questioned my improved mood. He must have noticed. If he had asked, I would have told him about Jarryd.

My dragonrider's two days were up and he would arrive any moment.

Once we wed, Father's worries for me would surely be over.


10 March 2017 - replaced with revised scene

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