77: Jarryd

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Jarryd backed up against the exterior wall of the stairwell as the shadows on the roof-terrace shortened. A guard had not long been up to give the blind spot on the horizon a cursory glance. Unconcerned about being discovered, Jarryd watched the sunlight inch towards his toes. Soon, he would find out if direct light on the boots would render him visible.

He could not wait. He stepped forward into the sun. The cold slipped away and wonderful warmth enveloped him. His sudden appearance set the seagulls wheeling from the parapet, shrill with indignation.

Freed of the invisibility spell, his mind path opened to Driscoll. The firedrake's strength ebbed. He had had little time for food or sunbathing for many days. However, despite the drain on his magic, his arrival was imminent. When he asked after Rufus, he learned that the green dragon rested on an island in the bay, a half-day away.

Jarryd had tried to come up with a plausible reason for arriving on Dax's dragon, but Driscoll insisted the truth of his rescue served.

According to Dax, Mother denied knowledge of Rufus's plight. Jarryd reasoned that she should be equally unaware of his imprisonment. If true, Ritter had acted without her blessing. Sam was involved. Otherwise, the Grandmaster could not have released Rufus.

He must speak to Mother, first thing. She must not find out that he was with Taniel during her abduction. Why did she want Dax using the paternity spell, anyway? He did not need more power. Mother knew he gathered magic at the Claddesh, every year.

Perhaps they intended to use the illegal male to female magic melding to further Ritter's plans. It was one thing to use it among themselves, on Stakkr, but elsewhere... Magic melding of any kind was not taught at the Turras School of Wizardry, or at the citadel.

None of it mattered once he took his betrothed away.

They would marry. He might lose her, later, but it was better to have the experience than to brush it aside as unattainable. He would see his son born and he would nurture mother and child. Perhaps they would be blessed with a daughter, with time.

He would do his utmost to protect his new family, even if it should cost him his liberty.

He thought of the gharl, and Sam. What did they want of him? Did he possess something worth trading for Taniel's freedom?

Make ready.

Engrossed in his thoughts, Driscoll's voice in his head made him start.

Where are you? Driscoll materialised, dropping down with his wings closed with his tail curling towards his nose. Once his tail lay flat on his far side with the tip curling over the shoulders, Driscoll had assumed the classic air-mounting position.

Now it was his turn.

Clasping his hands together, Jarryd reached up. He tried to keep his elbows relaxed. His heart vibrated against his ears and breathing seemed optional.

Gold talons flashed in the sun as Driscoll grasped him around the waist and pitched him skyward. Jarryd's stomach lurched in his gullet as he somersaulted, coming down with his legs astride, hoping the dragon was under him.

He was.

Jarryd grabbed hold of the dragon's tail with both arms, steadied himself, and dropped neatly between two spikes, gulping for air. A proper air-mount proved more horrible than he had ever imagined. Practicing from ground level was vastly different that doing it atop a castle with the sea smashing on rocks below.

Well done lad. Hold on. Driscoll rumbled a laugh. His tail flicked back out behind him, his wings snapped open and he swooped over the parapet, down to the landing area.

Jarryd's legs were still trembling when he dismounted a few moments later. He wanted to ask about the dragon's agenda but his mind would not function, let alone his tongue.

He slumped against the scaly belly, gasping.

That must be the witch's dragon.

"What?" His brain unscrambled. "Aye."

Does the witch realise she is partnering a mute?

"It hardly matters, does it? Dax says the woman cannot dragonspeak, so I don't know how she will go about giving instructions in flight. What shall I do now, about Taniel?"

You find out what you can, inside, and then come out and tell me.

"Is that all?"

Remember, you must not let your feelings for the girl be known.

"Aye, I got that." The thought of treating Taniel with disinterest made him feel sick. He had warned her but she would still expect some acknowledgment. Girls always did, no matter what they said.

He heard his name called.

Dax rushed from the gate in the outer wall.

Uncertain, Jarryd went to meet him. When they had last talked, on the roof, he had hated having Dax's baby makers anywhere near Taniel. He reminded himself, yet again, Dax had not bedded his betrothed. Still, it rankled.

"Something dreadful has happened," Dax said, breathless, as they shook hands from force of habit.

Jarryd managed a lopsided grin. "You got Taniel with child, too?"

Dax's eyes rounded. "Well... it was not my fault. Katerine didn't wait for Paget."

"You jest, right? How can that happen?" Jarryd backed away, fists bunching. "You jest, right?" he repeated. His vision reeled.

Dax met his shock, briefly, before dropping his eyes. "I suppose it is my fault," his brother said. "I should have given the stuff to Paget."

"But Taniel was having my son. Now she's having yours, instead" Jarryd's despair smothered him. He turned away, stumbling.

"She is still having your son." Dax followed him. "Paget said there was a risk of another. That's why..."

"Two sons?" he muttered, putting one foot in front of the other.

"Mine is a girl," Dax said, keeping pace.

Jarryd felt the possessive pride in his brother's voice. He wanted to punch the words back down his throat.

"I'm sorry..."

Jarryd shrugged off Dax's hand on his arm. Embarrassed by tears coursing down his cheeks, he flung himself at Driscoll who still stood where he had landed, his golden eyes fixed on Jarryd.

"Take me to the mainland," he said. "I will not stay here."


2 April 2017 - replaced with revised scene ( the latter part of the original appears later to keep timeline on track so some comments will relate to that)

Thanks for reading.



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