101: Taniel

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The Wilds were behind us and the dying day glittered from the water far below. My wonder at flying above the clouds had evaporated as I listened to the firedrake and my dragonrider discuss my future as if I were not there.

They seemed unaware of my presence on their mindpaths as they argued over Jarryd's wish to retrieve his sword from Skerby. Jarryd kept saying it was his right to have the sword.

I was afraid to interrupt and ask questions. Earlier, when I had finally asked about the haven, Driscoll had said I would learn what I needed to know when we arrived. I guessed the sword must be a Langley family heirloom and, after eavesdropping some more, I learned it was made for an ancient magic-binding rite though I knew naught about keepers.

I sighed.

The voices on my mindpath stilled. Jarryd peered over his shoulder, studying my face. It was wonderful to have us both visible, for a change, like normal people.

"What?" I said.

Jarryd pulled apart my clasped hands from in front of his waist and, twisting within the circle of my arms, he reached by me to grab at the dragon spike. I dug my fingers under the edges of the closest scales, smothering a shriek. I was still astride, if you could call it that, for the dragon was five horsebacks across where I now sat.

Fearless, my dragonrider knelt in front of me. "I told you," he said, shaking his head. "A fire dragon's magic will not let you fall."

"Well, why does he tell us to hold on, then?" I was too scared to move, but I would not tell him that.

He freed my hands and pulled me closer to him and, before I knew it, he sat behind me with my back tucked against his chest and his legs on either side of mine. I groaned as my thigh muscles realigned. After I straightened my dress, I let myself sink into him, my head on his shoulder.

I breathed him in and turned my head to meet his eyes the best I could. "I'm sorry about Dax's baby makers," I said.

His lips pursed. He stared at me.

I looked away.

"No. I am the one who should be sorry," he said, turning my face back to him. "I should have found a way out." He pressed his lips on the side of my forehead.

"I saw you fighting with Dax. I thought you had left me."

"I'm here now," he said. "Everything will be all right. We will stay together from now on. I promise."

Relief flooded through me.

His fingers trailed down my neck.

I glanced to the front where Skerby's travl-ring loomed on the horizon.

Jarryd nuzzled my ear. "It will be the proudest day of my life when I have you and my son in my arms," he whispered.

Forgetting my fear of falling, I turned to him and slipped my arms around his neck. I kissed him, at length, wondering when my needs had changed. I had never wanted to hand my life over to someone else. I sought to live only on my own terms. Now, I wanted the pleasure of this closeness. I wanted to feel, forever, the way he made me feel.

I believed in him.

Jarryd gently pushed me away. His eyes caressed my face before drinking in the rest of me. "Why are your bosoms undone?"

"Huh?" I discovered my breasts almost freed from the bodice. "I was changing when Driscoll came and hurried me out to you." The untied laces had loosened. The tips of my ears tingled as he reached for the laces.

Taniel (The Taverner's Daughter I)Where stories live. Discover now