28: The Wizard - Foiled

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"Aye, Captain. I'm sure, absolutely sure," the wizard said. "Nothing can be done." He eyed the purple-domed prisoners in the valley below him.

"How long do we have to wait?" the Captain asked, his scowl dipping the single eyebrow across his furrowed forehead. "It better not take too long."

The wizard longed to zap the pirate in the head. He sighed and launched into further apologies. "I am sorry. I did not expect him to be tied to the dragon like that. Anyway, the magic still should have cut him loose as the dome formed." He scratched his chin, annoyed that he had not been able to bathe since his jaunt to Skerby. "Langley should be this side of the shield."

"Well, he's not," growled the pirate, his moustache lifting in little tufts as he spoke. "And he has the bloody sword in there with him. The whole purpose of this exercise was to keep him away from the damn thing. They better not bond."

"I've tied the spell to the dragon and, as he weakens, so will the shield," the wizard said. "The dragon will be useless in about a week. When the dome dissolves, you can take the sword from him. If they do bond, then you have the Keeper, too. Just make sure the dragon doesn't feed."

"No, Chadbyrne. You will make sure," the Captain said, prodding the wizard in the chest. "I'm not sitting on my bum, playing nursemaid to a bloody dragon. My men and I are going home. I want that sword. Don't bother showing your face until you have it.

"What about the dragon?"

"What about it?" The pirate swung up on his horse and signalled to his men to do the same.

"Well, do you want it?"

"What would we do with a dragon? A green one, at that, and not worth shit. Do what you will with it." The Captain turned to one of his companions. "Fisnal, mate, you stay and keep an eye on this useless mongrel."

Captain Matt Yerro heeled his mount and they rode down the slope. The wizard watched them lead their horses through the portal to their stockade at Dakeshott. The sound of the door snapping shut drifted to his ears.

He sighed, uncomfortable with the gharl for company. No matter how often he saw a gharl, he could not make himself believe they were just like him underneath the crocodile skin. The knobby nose and elongated teeth did not help. If they could conduct a conversation, it would be easier to believe. The ancient wizards had a lot to answer for.

"Fizznel," the wizard said. "Find a good place for us to camp, secluded, but where we can still keep watch. This place is too exposed."

The gharl grunted, slung his spears over his shoulder and picked his way up the slope, his tail slithering on the ground behind him.

The wizard shuddered. Exhausted, with all his magic drained, he gingerly sat on a rock. His eyelids prickled. Such perfect plans he had when leaving Skerby: he was going to take the girl and be set for life for magic. He was even thinking how good it would be to have a wife and child again.

He fisted his eyes.

The Captain had put an end to that. When the wizard had arrived at Ferryton, the Captain had been waiting and he could not tell the man that he was not Chadbyrne.

He had to go along with the charade and do things that Chadbyrne would have done. A wizard in his position did not own up to clandestine meetings with informant dragonriders.

Captain Yerro had whisked him to the north-west by doorball, just to make the damned dome spell ready for Ritter's delivery of Langley.

Using those portable portals obviously addled your brain. Why else would he be blubbering like a girl?


13 March 2017 - replaced with revised scene  30 March 2017 - fixed typo

I've still haven't revealed the wizard's true name.  My reasoning behind his role in Jarryd's kidnap always felt 'wrong' but I have finally resolved his connection with a few small changes.

Many thanks for reading.



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