103: Jarryd

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Jarryd half-listened to Rita's chatter as he watched Taniel running across the dim backyard, holding her dress up out of the dirt with one hand and supporting her bosoms with the other. His breath caught in his throat and his chest barely contained his swelling heart. Soon, she would be his wife.

Beside him, Rita gasped. "Well goodness me, she's wearing that dress."

He could not drag his eyes away. "She certainly is. Has she not worn it before?"

"It's new, but I was sure she would never wear it," she said, clapping her hands. "She is beautiful. I knew there was an enchanting woman underneath all those drab things she always wears."

"I was enchanted at first sight, Mistress Bartle, in those drab things and all, but... that dress..." Words failed him. He shook his head and smiled at the old aunt before turning away to help Taniel climb in through the window. Long lengths of leg entranced him further.

"Mistress Bartle, you will listen to our vows, now?" he said.

"I told you to call me Rita." The woman stared at him, her large eyes shrewd with thought. "We must make this harder for Eighalh to annul. We will need another witness and notarised documents. Old Bates can do both. Lucky, my girl, you do not require Hanrey's approval. Quickly, now, the hour grows late."

"I'll change my dress. It's filthy," Taniel said.

"No time, sweetheart. You look gorgeous," Jarryd said, kissing her fingers.

"Your eyes are gleaming." Rita peered at Taniel, a puzzled look upon her face. "I mean, really gleaming, not just happy."

Jarryd turned her face to him. "They are," he said. The golden flecks in her eyes glowed. "It's the baby," he said. "His magic is now yours. It's only during the merging phase that your eyes will shine like this."

When Mistress Bartle began spluttering indignation, Taniel explained to her how their baby had been made before she was kidnapped and, even though Jarryd felt guilty for Dax's child, he certainly was not going to tell his betrothed before he had his ring on her finger.

"The clan ring!" he shouted, startling the other two.

"I can't find it," Taniel said.

"It's gone. We didn't want it bringing black dragons so Hanrey chucked it out that hole in your cave," the old aunt said, unabashed.

"They will come," Jarryd said. "I told Baldwin that Taniel was wearing it."

"But Katerine said not to," Taniel said.

"I know that, sweetheart. I meant to send the clan ring away with Driscoll as soon as Wizard Baldwin left. I forgot. Come, we must go." Jarryd scratched his head. "I hope your eyes clear before we get there. Do you have a cloak?"

Rita prepared the lamp, for their return, while Taniel fetched her cloak from a hook behind the door.

"Keep your head down," he said, smoothing the material over Taniel's shoulders. Taking her hand, they followed Rita to the back door. Outside, he slipped his arm around Taniel's waist and pulled her into his side.

She grinned. Her eyes, now nearly normal, showed her trust in him. He did not deserve it.

Without incident, the trio made their way to the notary's building. Their progress was marked by friendly nods and murmured greetings to Rita from people locking up their stores. Curious stares dogged their footsteps. Word of strangers in town would spread throughout the village before they were done wedding.

Taniel's aunt led them past the darkened notary office and through a gate next door. "He lives here," she said over her shoulder as she banged the iron knocker.

Several minutes later, an elderly man greeted them. "Good evening, Mistress Bartle. Young Taniel?" His eyebrows shot up. "What a surprise. I wasn't expecting you so soon."

Both women responded and the faded eyes looked at Jarryd. "And this must be the dragonrider. Hanrey spoke of you."

After Taniel had introduced him, the notary examined the limited view across the street before he shepherded them inside. "Well, this is a surprise," he repeated, closing the door.

"You said you were expecting me," said Taniel.

"Yes, yes. You're here for the other part of your mother's message, are you not?"

"Other part?" Taniel's nose scrunched.

"Hanrey has gone," Rita said. "He took the letter and did not mention another."

"Oh dear, I have spoken out of turn," said Notary Bates. He dragged worried eyes from one woman to the other. "Hanrey knows naught of it. I am charged with giving it only to you. You shall have it now. Should wizards read the other one, they will know to come back here. Follow me." They passed through a connecting door into his office.

Jarryd soaked in the atmosphere. He loved the smell of old books and the tang of new ink. It reminded him of magical days in the libraries of Eighalh, studying ceremonial rites with his father.

"Sit." The old man indicated a group of straight-backed wooden chairs. Rita sat but Taniel complained about sitting on a dragon for hours and stayed on her feet. Jarryd cuddled her back while they watched the old man rummage in a cupboard across the room until he came out, triumphant, bearing a small leather box the size of a child's head.

Jarryd watched Taniel turn the box in her hands, examining it from every angle. A slight thud came from inside with each twist. A small wad of folded paper was tucked under the thongs tying down the lid. Her finger trembled when she traced her name. Somewhat belatedly, she remembered to mumble her thanks.

"That's a load off my mind," the Notary said. "Now then, if you did not come for this, why are you here?"

Jarryd saw his chance to hurry things along. "Notary, sir, we wish to wed, if it would please you to witness the vows."

"But, Eighalh... the wizards." Notary Bates eyes widened. He shook his head. "I know what she is, lad. I cannot."

Taniel squeezed Jarryd's arm and when he looked at her, he saw her concern.

"It's all right," she whispered. "We will do this another time."

Notary Bates sighed. "I am so very sorry," he said. "But I cannot knowingly wed her to any but a wizard."

Jarryd placed a hand over Taniel's fingers, pressing them firmly against his forearm.

"I am a wizard," he said.


9 April 2017 - replaced with revised version

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