Chapter 10 - Filming

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*2 weeks later*

We are at the airport, waiting to board the plane to go to Canada. Undercover Spy is being filmed in Toronto and I haven't been there since I was 11 so I'm really excited to go. Alex is coming with me along with Kat. My brothers can't come since Blake has his TV show and Aiden is preparing himself to go to court to win custody over us. Even thinking about it make me nervous, our family could be split apart. 

I push those thoughts out of my head and focus on getting all of my luggage onto the plane. I see cameramen and reporters rushing towards me so I quickly put on my sunglasses and rush after Kat and Alex towards the boarding area. 

Their cameras snap and the reports bombard me with questions. I ignore them and continue to my flight. Once we have finally boarded the plane, I take my sunglasses off and take a deep breath. Finally, I can relax. 

I grab my phone out and put some headphones in. I press on one of my playlists and let the music carry me away for the rest of the flight.


Some time during the flight, I drifted to sleep. I wake up and I check the time. It's been 11 hours, only 10 hours to go. Great...

My legs ache to be stretched out but I have nowhere to go. I ask the waitress for a salad and she brings it to me. After I consumed it, I settled for just sleeping. I fall back asleep some time later. 


When we finally arrive in Canada and my legs are so sore. I feel like I'm going to literally collapse. I manage to get off the plane, and grab our luggage. We head outside of the airport and there is a limo waiting for us. 

It takes us to an expensive hotel close by. We check in and I collapse on my bed. I'm not even tired since I was sleeping for half of the flight but it's a relief to stretch my legs out on the bed. Alex does the same thing on her bed. Kat's room is next door to us. 

Kat says that filming will start tomorrow at nine. Alex and I have been learning our scripts non stop since we met the cast. We have about half of it memorized. This movie has more action scenes that actual talking so the stunts will be more challenging than the script. 

Alex walks to the kitchen and squeals. "THERE IS SO MUCH FOOD!" I laugh but can't be bothered to go and join her. 


The next day I wake up at 5:00 in the morning. I get ready and so does Alex. Kat knocks on our door and discourages us from eating all of the junk food and makes us eat some fruit before we leave. Thanks Kat...

We get in a limo and drive to the first set. The setting is in one of the biggest buildings in Toronto. I have to go to the top and stand on the very top and recite my first lines. First, I go to costumes and they take my measurements. Then I wait until they come back with my costume in my size. 

After I have put it on, I rush to hair and makeup. They curl my hair into waves and give me subtle but fierce makeup. My character is meant to be a badass spy. I then go up to the top of the roof where the filming actually is. 

I greet the director and producer and wait until they have all of the cameras and tech stuff set up. This all takes about 1 hour. 

When they are finally ready for me on set, I take my position and wait. The cameras are positioned on my left so they catch the side of my face but also the view of Toronto. 

The director grins. "Lights," The lights are positioned. "Camera," The cameramen all give a thumbs up. "Action!"

"My name is Katlyn Jones. I work for a secret agency called the SSS. Spy Secret Service. We stop villains from destroying the world. Me? I'm a novice spy. Usually I don't get any big jobs. Well, until today." And then if you were watching the movie, the cameras would shift to face the sunset and music would build up. Of course while I was saying all that, cameras were moving to catch the perfect angle. 

"Cut!" The director yells while grinning. "That was good! We'll shoot another backup scene and then we'll move on to Katlyn's apartment." 

I get in position again and wait for the cameras and lights to be ready. The director opens his mouth to yell again. "Lights, Camera, Action!" 

I recite my lines again and keep my eyes on the horizon. We had to get here early so the scene could be shot when the sun was rising. Very dramatic. 

After the scene is shot, the director gives us a thumbs up. I change out of my costume and wait until the cameras and lights and everything else has been packed up. This takes an hour. That's how much stuff there is. 

Afterwards, Kat drives me and Alex to the Katlyn's apartment. Her apartment isn't a shitty one, it's massive and modern. Or that's what the director said. 

The next scene shows Katlyn sitting in her room, on her laptop, and she gets a text from the SSS. She has to go to the agency and that's where she's given her mission, to go undercover in a high school because there is apparently freak accidents occurring at the school that can't be explained. Teenagers being seriously injured or killed. And there's one person behind it. I'm not spoiling anything else.

It's takes about half an hour to get to the apartment. When we get there, it takes an hour to load all the cameras and stuff into the apartment and set up the props in Katlyn's room. There is an Apple laptop put on the bed next to an iPhone 6S. 

I go to hair and makeup and they remove all the makeup that I had on before and re-do it so there is barely any. They straighten out my hair a little and then send me to costumes. They give me a simple hoodie with black skinny jeans and then they send me to the set.

What I was not expecting, is when I go onto the set and find Eli, Hunter and Sam standing with my agent and Alex. 

Let the humiliation begin...

Author's Note: I'm backkk! Sorry for the short chapter! 

If you notice any mistakes please let me know. I typed this chapter really fast so I could update faster and I probably messed up somewhere in this chapter. 

Anyway, see ya all in the next chapter!!!! xxxx

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