Chapter 16 - Boys And Their Food.

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Noah, Dylan and Nathan are apart of Aiden's band. They temporarily stopped making music while Aiden was down here.

Those three were basically brothers that weren't related to me. I spent my whole childhood with them. (And my real brothers of course).

I give them all a massive bear hug. "I missed you guys so much!!"

Noah smiles. "We missed you too."

"Where's the food?" Dylan and Nathan ask at the same time. They're twins by the way.

"In the kitchen, duh."

"Ew no we mean the non healthy food. Who would eat all this healthy shit?"

My brothers all point to Alex and I. I glare at them.

"I gotta keep these," I point to my amazing non existent abs.

"Pfft I got abs anyway." Dylan brags. He lifts up his shirt and it's true, eight pack and all.

Whoa I just realised how weird this is. Aiden's friends are here, Blake's old friends are here aka Hunter, Eli and Sam and Alex and I are here.

That's a lot of people.

Those were all the people I hung out with when I was little. Not as much Blake's friends, instead I got really close to Aiden's friends.

I see Dylan whisper something to Nathan. "Please can I say something about the hair." Is what I got.

Then I remember, the pink hair!

Nathan nods.

"Ok can I just ask," Dylan speaks up. "What the hell happened to your hair?"

They all scowl and point to me while I give them a sheepish grin.

Noah, Dylan and Nathan all high five me.

"That's our Nikki, keeping things interesting!" Noah comments.

"Hell yeah!"

I sit down on the couch and turn the TV on.

"Nikki Devron and Alex Stone were in a limo-"

Click. I changed the channel.

"Tragedy struck as a limo that carried Nikki Devron and-"


"After The Conjuring 2 premiere last night, a drunk driver-"

I just turn the TV off and groan.

Noah smirks. "Not fun being famous all the time eh?"

"You just realised?" I reply.

"Fair enough," He says. "Anyway the boys and I are gonna be staying here for a while. We're taking the spare rooms so Alex is moving in with you."

"All good. Don't mess up the beds and don't make a mess in the bathroom. I know how boys are." I wink at him and he chuckles.

"No promises."


"That's boys for ya."

"Yeah well I don't like boys." I argue.

"Ah but what if they like you?"

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