Chapter 12 - Are You Kiddin' Me?

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When I wake up that morning, Hunter is gone. I feel my face heat up with embarrassment when I remember what happened last night. I ignore it and then go and get dressed in simple clothes. Alex texts me and says that I have to be at breakfast in five minutes. I race down the stairs of the hotel and casually speed walk to the dining room.

I see Alex sitting with Sam, Eli and Hunter. Well, when I say that I mean that she is flirting with Eli while Sam and Hunter are giving them weird looks wondering what the hell to do. The sight almost makes me laugh out loud. I roll my eyes at my best friend.

I take a seat next to Hunter and Sam, against my own will, and wait for the waitress to come over. An awkward silence settles over our table. Until I see my agent walking quickly to our table, her high heels clicking with every step.


We all groan at the exact same time.

Kat rolls her eyes. "Well you're a very enthusiastic bunch aren't you?"

I yawn. "You bet."

She tells us what we're doing today but I kind of zone out, thinking about my nightmare last night. Why did I dream that someone had sabotaged my parents plane trip? It's kinda of weirding me out. Someone couldn't have sabotaged it... Could they? Stop it Nikki, you're being stupid.

But I can't help but wonder...

I push those thoughts out of my head and zone in on the conversation. I see Alex going bright red and Eli trying to wipe some orange liquid, which I presume is orange juice, off his designer jacket. Hunter and Sam are trying to hold in their laughter and I start chuckling too.

Alex was as clumsy as a duck ice skating.

Kat is smirking, while on her phone. Alex is stuttering, trying to help Eli but he waves her off. He eventually goes back to his room to get a new shirt and Alex just sits their with her head hung down in embarrassment.

Sam starts teasing Alex and I hear her threaten him with some very unladylike words. Kat has to take a call so she walks outside for a moment. It's just Hunter and I... sitting there... very awkwardly...

I open my mouth to speak. "About last night, I-"

He waves me off. "It's fine. No need to ever mention it again. Ever."

I shut my mouth and shrug. Oh well. I tried.

After breakfast, we get driven to the new set for the next scenes in Undercover Spy. Well, most of it is actually green screens since we are filming the next scene in the spy agency. There are modern looking technology looking props placed throughout the set too. This is the scene when I walk in and-


Why did KADE CARSON have to be here?

Remember the stupid cocky arrogant jerk that I met in the meet and greet? Yep, he's the main male. And I have to kiss him. Spoiler alert.

But ew.

No. I refuse. But I can't refuse.

Damn it.

When I walk into the set, I say hi to the directors and producers and writers, I go to costume and I put my costume on for this scene. I then go to hair and makeup where I can usually have a good chat with the makeup and hair artists. Usually.

But this time a certain someone just has to come and annoy me.

Stupid freaking Kade.

"Well well well, if it isn't the Princess of acting herself." Flashing that handsome but stupid smirk.

I scowl. "Don't call me that."

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