Chapter 15 - Confusion And Reunions

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My leg was fitted for a cast later that afternoon. They had to teach me how to use crutches but I wasn't really listening. I could use crutches as a weapon so that's all I need to know.

Kat, Eli, Sam, Hunter and my brothers visited a lot in the past day. Finally, I asked Kat what happened.

"A drunk driver drove through a red light and ran into the back of the limo, directly where you were sitting. You're bruises and cuts were bad, plus the minor concussion and broken leg. Alex.. Well... It's bad Nikki."

I start to panic and worry. "Where is she?" I start to sit up but my head spins. "Let m-me see her!"

"Nikki, Nikki calm down. You can see her, I'll just ask the doctor." She walks out of the room and comes back with the male doctor who has been looking after me.

"Well Nikki, your leg looks like it will heal in no time, your concussion will go away with rest. You can visit your friend if you want but your agent here will be pushing you in a wheelchair."

Kat snorts and then blushes. The doctor scratches his neck and chuckles. I narrow my eyes at them. The doctor looks about Kat's age, he is pretty handsome.

Maybe something going on there?

Then I see him write a couple numbers down and give it to Kat. I throw my fist in the air mentally. Good job Kat!

She blushes again and goes to get the wheelchair. I heave myself into it, very gracefully I may add. As in falling on the floor a couple times aka very gracefully.

She wheels me through the hallways filled with the smell of disinfectant and doctors rushing around with clipboards.

We go to a room five doors down, the lights are dimmed and there are machines beeping. Alex is asleep, her face bruised and cut. I look to Kat and she shakes her head.

"Wait here please." She nods. I go in, wheeling my wheelchair along the way. I find a piece of paper on a beside table. Injuries: 5cm deep cut across the stomach, fractured wrist, minor concussion, possible amnesia.


She can't have amnesia! I look at her for real this time.

She is scarily pale, she used to be so tanned and now she is as pale as a ghost. She's motionless, the only sign of life is her chest moving up and down.

She looks so weak.. A tear rolls down my cheek, she can't die. I won't let her, she's been my best friend for who knows how long. I can't lose her.

Her eye lids flutter open. She gives me a weak smile. "Hey actress." Thank god she doesn't have amnesia.

"Sup model." I chuckle, tears still rolling down my cheeks.

"Don't cry Nikki, I'll be fine." She reassures, her face not quite showing that she believes her own words.

I sniff. "But you look so.." I trail off, not wanting to continue.

"Dead? Lifeless? My agent will be so pissed, I'm meant to look beautiful all the time." She jokes, smiling. The smile doesn't quite reach her eyes. I nod.

"Hey.. I'll be.. Fine..." Her eyelids close and her breathing slows. The machines all start beeping faster at once. Her chest stops moving all together and her lips turn purple. Doctors and nurses rush in while I scream and cry for her to wake up.

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