Chapter 35 - *Cue Evil Laugh*

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The cameras flash as soon as we get out of the limo. Reporters throw questions at us.

If you're wondering, Alex and I are at the Undercover Spy movie premiere.

"Nikki! Nikki! Why were the police at your house?" One female reporter asks. I've learnt to ignore them and just keep on smiling for the cameras.

The director and producer are here, along with the rest of the cast. I say a quick hi to Selena and then I also greet Kade.

Remember when I had to kiss him in the movie? Let's say it wasn't pleasant. I know I'll have to watch the kiss again in my lifetime so I'm preparing my neck for many cringes to come.

I'm currently wearing a sparkly, blue one strap dress. Now I'm not the kind of girl to wear dresses but Kat said I had to look good.

I swear to god I will dye her wedding dress pink on the wedding day. Then she can match with my brothers. Even though the hair dye has mostly faded for them...

Guess I'll have to re-dye it for them. *cue evil laugh*

Alex and I make silly faces and pose at the camera, her poses being better since she's experienced, and then finally we get to go in.

I make small talk with some of the celebrities around me.

Finally, the movie starts. The crowd hushes, it's a massive crowd in my opinion, and then you see me on screen.

I can't help but let out a laugh. If you saw yourself in a movie, being a whole different person, wouldn't you laugh too?


"It's rude to have headphones in while people are talking to you."

"But I'm listening to music!" Blake whines.

"Oh yeah? What music?"

I snatch one of his headphones, or earbuds (whatever you call them), and I listen to the music.

I stare at him. "Was it or was it not you who said that Fall Out Boy suck? DO THEY STILL SUCK HMM?"

He smiles sheepishly at me, taking his headphones back.

Our smiles fade.

"Do you have to leave?" I say while tears start to form at the back of my eyes.

After the movie premiere, Blake and Jacob explained that they had been picked for another major TV series that was set to be in England. The TV series was going to be a hit, but they have to leave. They won't be back for who knows how long.

They nod their heads in sadness. Blake gives me a hug. "I'll miss you," He says, sniffing.

I laugh weakly. "Don't go mushy on me."

He chuckles and nods. Then Jacob comes up to me and gives me a hug. "Who's famous now?" I joke.

"Not famous yet," He laughs. It's silence now, a sad silence though.

"Yet," I say letting go of him and giving him a reassuring smile.

"We're sorry," They say, engulfing me in another group hug. "We'll come back, we promise."

Tears form at the back of my eyes. "I hope so."

Alex wraps her arms around me in a comforting hug, watching my brothers walk off to the boarding area. I sniffle, wiping the tears that run down my cheeks.

And just like that, two of my brothers are gone.

Now all I have is Aiden and Alex. I give Alex a sad smile and we walk to the car.

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