Chapter 18 - Sibling Wars Over Pizza Slices

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(Picture of Alex ^^)

I was heading to lunch when someone shoves into me and knocks all of my books out of my hands. I look up to see none other than the Queen Bitch herself.


She smirks at me. I glare at her and go to try and pick up my books, but her and her minions just keep kicking them away. I use my crutches to get me to the fallen books on the floor but every time I go to try and pick them up, they keep getting kicked away from me.

"Something wrong nerd?"

"Yeah your face," I mutter so quietly that she can't hear me.

"What'd you say?" One of her minions said. She repeats it to her leader.

"How dare you say that to me, nerd."

She kicks one of my crutches and I fall to the ground with a heavy thud. Barks of laughter echo in the hallways, mostly coming from Candice and her posse. They kick my other crutch away from me.

I hear footsteps behind me and I see Hunter and Sam bend down to help me while Eli glares at Candice.

"What's your problem Candice?" Sam says while he retrieves my crutches. Hunter helps me up and they give me my crutches back. Sam and Hunter go and find my books.

"Are you alright?" Hunter whispers in my ear so quietly that no one else could hear. I nod to him, giving him a small smile.

"Nothing Sammy. Why're you helping the nerd? She doesn't deserve it," Candice retorts, making her friends giggle. The hallway is silent, watching the stare off between the girls and the boys.

"First, don't ever call me Sammy again. Second, why don't you leave Ni- Lana alone?" Sam saves himself from saying my real name.

"Because she's a nerd, duh."

Hunter gives her his famous death glare that could make anyone run away. "Leave. Her. Alone. Okay?" He snaps at Candice.

"And why should I?"

"Candice just shut up already. Go eat your leaves with a side of air. Gotta follow that diet huh?" Eli says, his voice dripping with sarcasm at the last part. I open my mouth to say something but I don't. Eli's comment was a bit harsh... but then again, Candice starves herself. Most of the time she just orders salad's and then doesn't even eat them. I pity Candice a little bit, she is perfectly fine the way she is. I don't understand why she has to starve herself, even when she does it it's only small things like pieces of lettuce. That's literally the only thing I've ever seen her eat.

You could hear a pin drop in the hallway, everyone stopping what they were doing to see what's going on. They are all silent as they watch Candice's expression to go from smug to furious. She stomps off, her high heels clicking against the floor.

"I never liked fake bitchy girls anyway," Hunter mutter and I crack a smile.

"Ignore Candice, she's always like that," Eli tells me. I nod to him. We walk to the cafeteria and they get me a slice of pizza. My hands still sting from when I landed on the cold, hard floor.

"Why'd you do that? I mean why did you stand up to Candice for me?" I ask them.

Sam shrugs. "You're our friend. We stand up for our friends, don't we?"

I smile at them all. "Thank you."

"Anytime," They all say in unison.

I blink. "Did you practice that?"

"Maybe," They all say in unison again. We all crack up laughing.


On the Saturday after the first week of school, we set up a big banner outside of our house saying 'Welcome Back Alex' since she's coming back from hospital today. I blow up some balloons and put them around the living room.

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