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It was a bright hot day in Sunagakure--


Whoops. Oh, by the way, speaking of Sunagakure, go check out my Naruto Fanfic if you haven't!

"Self-advertising... What have you become?"

I said 'speaking of'!

Edit: Bruh your advertising skills are horrible

You and Asher were in your office once again, doing paperwork. It was a couple of days later.

"Shadis has put in good word for you to the higher-ups, telling them how you're a great leader," Asher said. You shrugged lightly

"I guess. However, there's this particular girl. Mikasa, if I'm not mistaken," you started.

"What about her?"

"Something about her makes her different. She's stoic, barely shows emotion except when with her two friends. She's like another Levi. Even looks like him," you explained.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Sergeant."

"I know about her. Her parents were killed and she was kidnapped, but her adoptive brother, Eren, saved her. Maybe that's why she's so good. Because she wants to protect him like he did her," you explained further. He was silent for a moment.


"Meaning, she's turning her protective nature into pure strength and athleticism. Her raw power is far above anyone else."

Once you finished a pile of paperwork, you gave it to Asher.

"Get these to Erwin please," you said. He nodded before getting up and walking out of your office. You sighed, getting out of your chair and walking towards the two doors that led out to your balcony. It was refreshing to feel the fresh air on your face. Puffing out your cheeks, you rested your elbows on the metal railing. On your balcony you had a small wooden table with a small stool. On the table, you noticed an envelope lying there. You furrowed your brows in confusion. How someone could get  there without you noticing? You walked towards the table and slowly picked up the note. You wasted no time in opening it. Before you could start reading it, you were interrupted.

"Y/n!" You heard Asher call. You took your attention off the note.

"What is it?" You called back. Asher appeared in the doorway.

"Commander Erwin would like to see you."

"Oh... okay, I'll be there," you replied, messily shoving the envelope in your pockets.

"I'm sorry, you want to promote me to what?" You inquired. Erwin held up a hand-written, formal note in front of you.

"It was not me who requested it. It was Nile Dok, Commander of the Military Police," he stated.

"And you're going to take suggestions from him? Especially one as putting me Second in Command?" You asked.

"He said it was optional, but he recommended it."

"What will I have to do?" 

"You would be eligible to partake in battle plans and--"

"More paperwork?" 

A Soldier's Heart |Attack on Titan| |Reader Insert| |Discontinued|Where stories live. Discover now