Week 1, pt4

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'For god's sake, where the hell is the exit?' You thought angrily, turning another corner.

"This place is like a fricken maze," you said out loud, looking down one hallway and then another. Your eyes then turned up to the ceiling above you.

'If I'm underground, can't I just punch my way up?' You thought. You lost your 3DMG a long time ago, so there's no way you'd be able to climb your way up. You looked back forwards. It seemed like you had to keep walking.

Hanji and Erwin stood on top of Wall Rose, looking over the land that once was theirs. 

"Erwin, we have to send someone out. Levi's a mess," Hanji spoke softly, the image of Levi's office coming back to her mind. Erwin sighed from next to her.

"I wish we could Hanji, but we can't risk soldiers for someone who might be dead," Ewin stated. Hanji was starting to become displeased by Erwin's coarse words.

"How can you say that? Do you realize what Y/n might be going through? Or what he's doing to her? You've known her the longest in the Survey Corps, so you should be at least a little concerned for her safety!" Hanji finally yelled, stomping up straight to his face. Never once had she talked back to the Commander, but after all you've done, not only for him, but for the Survey Corps and humanity as a whole... how dare he just let you go like that. Without even trying.

"Of course I am, but one life versus 10."

"And did it occur to you that Y/n could kill those ten lives with her bare hands?" Hanji's brown eyes pierced through his ice blue ones like the sharpest blade.

"Yes it did. But every soldier's life is important," Erwin replied. It almost seemed robotic. Hanji basically let out a hissing noise and turned, walking away from him. She jumped off the wall without waiting for him. Earlier that day, she passed by Levi's office and peeked in. Papers were everywhere, dirt was everywhere, Levi just couldn't think without you there safe and sound with him. Hanji sighed, taking in the current condition of her friend who's probably suffering ten times more than herself.

'Y/n, wherever you are, get back here and straighten Levi up!'

'FUCKING FINALLY!! AN EXIT!!' You thought excitingly, bursting through the exit and into the outside world.

"IT'S BEEN 83 YEARS SINCE I LAST WENT OUTSIDE!" You shouted gloriously into the sky. "Oh. I should probably keep my voice down..." You then realized you could attract titans with your loud ass mouth. You looked around and realized you were deep inside a forest. It wasn't the forest of giant trees, but a different one. You traveled through the former one too many times not to recognize it. You sighed and began to walk away from the underground lab. You started to slowly climb a tree and stood on a thick branch, looking out further.

"It's just nothing but trees..." You muttered. You let out another sigh. "Great." You slid down against it and sat on the branch. You leaned your head back against the rough bark, not even caring about how uncomfortable it was.

"How am I suppose to find the walls now?" You whispered to yourself. You sat up and swung your legs over the edge. You had no food, water, or weapons. You had no way to get back home except run. You jumped off the branch and rolled on the ground to break your fall. You figured you'd go north, hopefully the way back to the walls. So you did. About five minutes into your running, you heard loud footsteps come from behind you.

"Of course," you muttered angrily to yourself. You looked around, trying to find some cover or something to climb up, but with the Titan hot on your tail, you didn't or wouldn't have enough time. Not paying attention to where you were running, you tripped on a rock, falling to the ground and rolling a couple of times. You stopped and laid on your back, looking up at the standing Titan above you. Your eyes widened in horror.

'Oh god...' You thought as the Titan leaned down towards you. Its face was right in front of mine. You stopped breathing. You couldn't move. Never in your eleven years have you felt such fear grip you than at that moment. It just continued to stare at you, which didn't help you in the long run. The titan, who didn't move for a second or so, slowly stood up and turned around. Sooner than later it slowly began walking back into the forest. You blinked a few times.

"... eh?" You finally were able to breath again. You slowly sat up and stared at the retreating Titan. Your eyes wide and mouth agape, you watched it trudge into the forest. "A titan... left me alone?" You looked down at your hand and noticed it trembling. You placed your other hand on top of it and tried to calm your nerves.

'Okay, it's okay... you're okay... you're alive... it's okay... I'm okay...'  You slowly stood up on shaking legs, careful not to draw its attention back to you.

'I need to get to open ground.' You thought, slowly resuming your running. After about twenty minutes of running, you heard quick steps next to you. You turned your head to the left and saw a large rounded figure right in line with you, running on all fours.

'Is that...?'
The silhouette jumped out of the tree line.

"BEAR!!" You yelled in panic as you dodged its jaws. The bear jumped on top of you and opened it mouth. I placed your arm in front of yourself as soon as the bear snapped its jaws shut. Instead of your arm being bitten off, you felt the slight pressure of its jaws squeezing your arm. You glance at your arm and notice some sort of crystal formed around it, protecting it.

'What is that?' You thought. Shaking your head, you ripped your arm from the bear's jaws and pulled back your hand. Before you punched its face, your knuckles were covered in the same kind of crystal. You punched the bear in the face, knocking it backwards. You quickly scurried to your feet and ran as fast as you could. You looked down at your hand and saw the crystal armor slowly crack apart and break away.

'What? How is that possible?' You thought, looking back up and running as fast as you could away from the hungry bear.

'That titan corpse... did I come out of it? But that's impossible... but then what happened to Ikari? I don't remember killing him. What about that titan that ignored me? And this weird crystal armor. What's happening? I barely remember anything. I remember Ikari knocking me out using a serum, but everything after that is blank...' You thought. 

Ja ne!

   {Ruby Red}

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