Once Upon a Time

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Once upon a time, there live a noble man, his wife and their daughter. They were beyond happy. The noble man's work brought in fortune; his and his wife married for love, and they bore child who was born with a goodness in her heart that people sought their entire lives to possess.

The girl's childhood was surrounded by laughter and ease, music and magic.

They were happy.

But it is not in the nature of happiness to be forever present. It waxes and wanes when it sees fit and misfortune comes in its place, to fill the gap left behind, to keep you company until happiness returns.

The girl's mother died after a long battle with an illness that ravaged her body, but not her mind. It never took hold of her mind, right until the end.

Right until the end, she taught her daughter what she was to be, what she was to grow up to be, right until the very end.

The years passed and the child kept her mother's teachings close to her heart. She remembered the most important lessons.

She remembered Kindness from her mother.

Eventually, after years with just the two of them, her father asked her permission to remarry. After the struggle and pain she had watched her father endure, the girl consented without hesitation. How could a stepmother be anything but beneficial?

And so came the stepmother, along with two daughters of her own. They were... well... the girl was more than willing to tolerate their bizarre behaviour, that strange coldness.

Though it seemed that coldness touched her father's already fragile heart. He withdrew himself. He crept farther and farther away into his work. He travelled more, he was away longer, he didn't come home as much.

Until one day, when he didn't come home at all.

Now alone, the girl took another lesson. She remembered Bravery from her father.

The last lesson she learnt from a family friend whom she lost contact with after her father's death. Through him she learnt to believe that magic, no matter how small, existed in the world.

It was a necessary belief that she needed to survive the years that followed.

Kindness, Bravery, and Magic were what she clung to like a faith, even if she saw little of it in her day-to-day life. That was what she had to believe in when the true nature of her stepmother was unleashed and that was what kept her alive with such ease.


And bravery.

And magic.


Next Up: In a second

Art By: Google Image

Aaaaand we're back after a fairly short break. 

Yes, it's Cinderella. I was actually recently just asked about how I would write it if I wrote Cinderella - well, here you go lol 

This is how I'd write it. 

And - just so you have an idea of the timeline - this series is set ten years after the end of The Rose Quartet

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