The Strike of Two

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"What are you two doing?" 

Cinderella and Jazz screamed, actually screamed, launching at each other in fright, hugging each other tightly as they whirled around, for a second convinced they had been caught spying even though Lady Constantia and Lord Cheshire had walked in the complete opposite direction.

Prince Andrew and Princess Catolina stared at them like they were insane and the pair stood there for a moment, before their masks hid their blushing faces.

"Alright," Andrew said, rolling his eyes, setting his hands on his hips and frowning at them. "What were you two up to?"

"Up to?" Jazz asked innocently, "You make it sound like an interrogation. We were merely enjoying the moonlight."

"You were crouching in the bushes."

"You've never looked through the moonlight through the leaves?"

The Crown Prince pulled off his mask so they could see the full extent of his glare and folded his arms. "You were up to something. Duchess, my dear, I would advice you not make the acquaintance of this man, he's a scoundrel."

"Excuse me," Jazz snapped and Cinderella and the princess chuckled.

"Andrew, perhaps they wished for a moment along," Princess Catolina suggested, smiling, "You're ruining things, my dearest."

"You're ruining things, your highness," Jazz fired back at him and Andrew reached forwards, taking Jazz by the arm and dragging him forwards.

"You can't just wander off un-chaperoned with a lady," he growled as he marched Jazz back towards the ballroom.

"And what might you have been doing alone with a country's dearly beloved princess?" Jazz countered.

Princess Catolina watched them for a moment, then smiled at Cinderella and, shockingly, offered her arm.

"Seeing as the men have so rudely walked off arm-in-arm, why not walk with me?" she said.

Cinderella curtsied, bowing her head before smiling as taking the offered arm, following the young men as they walked down the torchlight corridor, taking an inner route back to the courtyard.

"So, I hear you are a mystery tonight, something of a game I take it?" The Princess asked as they walked.

"It's merely in good fun," Cinderella said quickly.

"Should we know of you? Will we all be terribly embarrassed to discover your identity?' she asked.

"Umm..." Cinderella paused a moment. "Well, yes and no, I suppose. Some people will know me, some people won't, I do not believe my identity will be guessed but that will be no one's fault."

"How intriguing."

They walked in silence for a moment, watching Andrew and Jazz up ahead, the pair laughing about something.

"Are you visiting for long?" Cinderella asked.

"Well, until the end of the festival, at least," the princess said. "They can't force me to leave before without insulting my entire country after all."


Princess Catolina waved it off. "Members of court who would rather see me elsewhere."

Cinderella glanced at her as they stepped back into the courtyard.

They were just walking back towards the main crowd when someone touched her arm.


Cinderella looked around and a chill ran down her spine.

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