Walking on Gold

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"Oh hell, what happened to your face?!"


Mrs Sorin glowered at Rosann as Amelia sniggered behind her hand and Vanessa swept forwards, gently taking Cinderella's face in her hands, staring in horror at the bruising.

"What in the world happened, love?" she asked, staring.

"I..." Cinderella hesitated for a moment, stalling on saying that she took a tumble. "I was pushed down the stairs," she said.

The women stared at her.

"By who?" Amelia cried, outraged.

"When did this happen?" Rosann asked, both pushing forwards, taking her hands in death grips.

"The night of the last ball. I don't know who pushed me, it was early morning."

The girls glanced at each other, fury bubbling under their eyes and Mrs Sorin took control.

"Let us hurry for now, girls," she said, gesturing for Cinderella to go into the living room as the assistants quickly set up the makeshift dressing room. "Will you be able to cover the bruising, Rosann?"

"Of course," Rosann said, "You'll have to be careful to not let anything smudge the makeup though."

She sat Cinderella down as she spoke and got to work, Cinderella closing her eyes to let her do whatever she needed.

"Where is Uncle Beldon, by the way?" she asked after a time.

"Arguing with Lord Snoots-A-Lot, I'm sure," Amelia said.

"She means a courtier called Lord Cheshire," Rosann filled in and Cinderella's eyes snapped open in shock, only to be stuck in the eye by the makeup brush and closed her eyes again, reeling away.

"They've never been on good terms," Amelia said.

"That's enough you two," Mrs Sorin said.

"He's actually off sorting out tonight's transport for your arrival at the ball," Vanessa said.

"My transport? What happened to the carriage?"

"Far too conventional for him when there's so much more fun to be had," Vanessa replied and Cinderella could feel the exasperation wilt the air in the room from the four maids who were clearly used to whatever bizarre whims and situations their master might find himself.

"The man gets more eccentric with age," Mrs Sorin said, "He used to be so sweet and charming when we first met him."

"Oh don't say that, he's only thirty-one, if he continues he'll be mad by the end," Vanessa said and the others sniggered.

Cinderella paused a moment, unsure whether they were really joking or actually meant it.

Rosann clearly caught the question in her closed-eyed expression because she said, "Nothing to worry about, Miss, we just like to tease him."

After that, she added some final additions to Cinderella's lips then dragged her to her feet, spinning her towards the folding screen and everyone waited for her to change into fresh under garments before Rosann and Amelia came to help with the multiple under skirts and corset.

There was the briefest flash of blue fabric before the gown was pulled over her head, the girls careful of the makeup and they secured the dress in place. She looked at what she could see of the dress, spying a glittering bodice and skirts that faded from graduating blues to white.

The next second she was ushered back out from behind the screen and Vanessa held up the wig they planned for her to wear that night and Cinderella couldn't help herself.

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