The Duchess

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"How could you have known to be so prepared?" 

Beldon glanced up to look across the carriage at Cinderella as she fiddled with the drapes of her gown, touching her mask to make sure it was in place even though it was all but glued to her head.

"What?" he asked.

"All this, the staff, the clothes, everything ready the second you arrived, how could you have known that I needed it. You haven't been in contact with me for years and you only just got back... so how could you know anything about my true situation when this was the first time you visited in so long?"

Beldon looked blankly at her for a moment. "This isn't my first time visiting," he said.

Cinderella stared at him.

"I visited your house barely even a week ago," he said and the news hit Cinderella like one of her stepmother's slaps as another piece fell into place.

Beldon had been the mystery guest!

That was the reason behind her and the servants getting locked out of sight. He could have dropped by, with very little warning, thus resulting in her stepmother's extreme reaction.

"I dropped by mostly unannounced," Beldon said, confirming her thoughts, "There was something I wanted to... confirm."


Beldon folded his arms, settling back. "On my travels home, I stopped by the home you are suppose to inhabit on the continent," he said. "Not to the knowledge of your stepmother of course. And you wouldn't believe what I saw when I stopped by."

Cinderella raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, a house that was mostly unused, and skeleton team of servants who had no mistress to care for and a dismissive, secretive nature to guests... even if I happened to have been visiting as a travelling salesman."

Cinderella stared at him for a moment, then started laughing. "A travelling salesman."

Beldon smiled. "I've never much cared for your stepmother," he said. "Back after your father's death, when the whole family went to the continent for your time of mourning, I could understand that. When I heard you were staying on after your stepfamily returned, to continue your recovery, I could also understand that. When I heard that, after so many years, you had still not returned and had lost contact with so many dear friends from your youth... well that made me wonder. But whenever I sent a message to your stepmother, asking after you, she told me you were sickly with continuing grief."

"How could you know I wasn't?"

"I didn't, which is why I wanted to check, to find out, to reconnect after as many years separated from you."

"But I still can't understand how you could know I was here, as a servant?"

"I recently learnt about the young maid Lady Constantia had acquired. A little digging over a few days, charmed some chatter out of some people in town, I can add two and two together."

"But you contacted me directly, surely my stepmother would have known you knew."

"Hardly, I never signed those letters with my name or revealed anything identifying about myself. They were merely letters of support from an unknown sender."

Cinderella looked at him in confusion. "But then how would I have known it was you, even if I did get them?" she asked.

Beldon smiled. "You'd have known," he said gently, before suddenly straightening up and pulling her invitation from his pocket. "Now!" he announced, moving on, "We're going to leave this invitation blank."

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