Glass Slippers and Pumpkin Carriages

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Cinderella span on her tiptoes, the skirts of her dress held in her hands, flaring out around her, flashing like falling snow in the sun as the diamonds caught the candlelight.

"Unfortunately not much of the original dress remained for me to work with," Mrs Sorin said, watching her, eyes examining the flow of the gown. "I would have liked to of kept it similar to the original design but..."

"No, not at all, I love it," Cinderella said, smiling as she turned to them, the huge skirts settling around her, "And I know my mother wold have loved it as well, it would have suited her well."

"It suits you just fine," Vanessa said, smiling slightly, then clapped her hands. "Now, let us get that wig on you."

"Ah, wait," Cinderella said quickly. The others looked at her. "I... if I may... might I leave my own hair loose this time?"

Vanessa raised her eyebrows at her. "Well of course you may, my dear," she said, "Whatever you might wish. We merely have it to complete the outfit and help conceal your identity."

"It's the last ball and no one will recognise me. I've already worn two wigs; people will just think it another one."

"But your stepfamily?" Mrs Sorin said.

"I'll stay away from them. There are hundreds of people there, we needn't meet."

Vanessa and Mrs Sorin glanced at each other, Amelia and Rosann looking between them.

Finally Vanessa sighed and gave a shrug.

"Amelia, sort her hair out then," Mrs Sorin said and Amelia hurried forwards, sitting Cinderella back down and starting to style her hair while Rosann pulled out the white wig she should have worn and began removing the decorations, handing them to Amelia as she fitted them one by one into her hair. Once done, they collected the mask that was decked out with more tiny diamonds, ice and snow.

Cinderella turned towards the mirror and smiled.

Her fiery golden hair flared out around her, a tousled bun made from her upper locks sitting at the crown of her head, the rest sprawling around her shoulders. The hair decorations were pinned into the bun and streamed down, covering her hair so it looked like she had tiny flecks of snow dusted across her.

"I told Jezabelle I would like to go as the snow at sunset if I ever got to the ball," she said, looking at herself.

"And will she recognise you now that you are the snow at sunset?" Vanessa asked.

Cinderella looked at her, then smiled. "I don't know," she said honestly, "But I would like to attend being as close to being myself as possible, just once."

Vanessa looked at her, her expression pinched as if she wanted to say something, but finally just let out a breath and gave her a smile. "I understand," she said, then blinked and turned to the window, opening the curtains and crack and peering out. "Ah, your carriage is here, come and see," she said, dropping the curtain and gesturing for Cinderella to follow, leaving the living room.

"A carriage again? No crazy entrance by sea or sky this time?" Cinderella asked, smiling as she quickly followed.

Vanessa smiled at her. "Well, carriage yes, but I would hardly think it normal," she said before she pulled open the doors and stepped back to let Cinderella see.

Her jaw dropped as she stared down the steps to the carriage that stood at the bottom, drawn by four gleaming white stallions.

It was golden and round, with huge wheels that looked like they had golden vines coiling along the spokes and up the driver's seat and across the doors, trailing up to a strange spout that stuck up from the top of it.

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