The Golden Goose

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"Maybe it's more witches?"

"Whatever are you talking about?" Edgar asked, looking up from his cards.

Ever prepared for any situation, Edgar had produced a pack of playing cards for them to help pass the time.

Dia looked up from her cards and pointed to the ceiling of the tunnel. "Maybe our mystery guest is actually mystery guests and they are more witches, and the mistress is the leader of the coven."

"Oh now really, Dia," Edgar said, "There is no such thing as witches."

"I'm not so sure," Cinderella said, picking up a card, "They could exist."

"Yes, in the form of your stepmother," Dia said.

Cinderella snorted and shook her head then leant back against the tunnel wall, moving her cards around in her hands, watching the lamp light flicker across the Ace of Diamonds. "No, not like her... of I'm basing anything know off my uncle's stories."

"Ah yes, the portable magic," Edgar said, his voice softening slightly as he drew a card.

Dia giggled. "The whole world would be magic if we went by those stories."

"It would be nice is any magic actually existed, I could unlock this damn cuff," Cinderella said, adjusting her legs, the chain on her ankle clicking.

"And we could magic up an invitation to the ball," Dia muttered, a sudden sadness falling across her face.

"Dia," Edgar hissed.

Cinderella reached across and settled a hand on Dia's shoulder, making her look up and Cinderella smiled.

"One does not need magic for that," she said, then grinned, "They merely needs the right connections."

Dia and Edgar stared at her for a moment, then Dia's eyes widened.

"Connections like a personal attendant to the Crown Prince?" she asked.

"Just like that," Cinderella said and Dia's hands flew to her mouth.

"So that's why you're mood improved so much!" she gasped, "You got an invitation. Oh thank goodness!" Dia threw her arms around Cinderella and Cinderella laughed, hugging her back. "I'm so relieved! Thank goodness," Dia said again, leaning back, "There's no way the mistress can stop you attending if you have an invitation from someone like that, you'll be expected after all."

"That's the idea, for now, though I don't think I'll say anything until the night of the ball."

"A wise decision," Edgar said.

"But then you will need a dress, do you have one?" Dia asked quickly.

"I do," Cinderella said, smiling, "It is old but it will do. Do you have a dress?"

Dia nodded, an excitement in her eyes. "The mistress has promised me one of her daughters' old dresses."

"Well make sure she doesn't forget, you have an invitation after all, she can't stop you from attending," Cinderella said.

"Perhaps we can go together," Dia said, suddenly gripping her hand, "There's no way the mistress will let me ride with them in their carriage."

"And we'd all be surprised if they let me travel with them," Cinderella said.

"And you know what these parties are like."

Cinderella laughed. "I haven't attended anything like this in years," she pointed out.

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