The Strike of One

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"It's a bruise, isn't it?"

Cinderella flinched and her eyes snapped up to the reflection, Rosalia appearing behind her, arms folded, leaning her shoulder against the wall, smiling.

"Ah, it's nothing," Cinderella said quickly, looking away.

She had excused herself to the powder room to check that her makeup had smudged. It had faded just a little, probably from the heat but she had no replacement makeup to cover it.

Not until Rosalia reached into a hidden pocket within her sweeping skirts and pulled out a little silver box.

"Let's mask that now, shall we?" she said, walking over and flicking the lid open, pulling out a small pad and turning Cinderella towards her, gently patting around the jawline until the powder was back in place.

"Thank you," Cinderella said, "I didn't have any powders with me."

"That's quite alright. I always carry one because my eldest sister told me I need to hide my age," Rosalia said, snapping the lid shut.

Cinderella looked at her in surprise, seeing as Lady Rosalia still looked comfortably in her twenties, what was there to hide?

Noting Cinderella's expression, Rosalia grinned. "I told her she could hide her undesired opinions along with her age," she added, slipping the box away then looking at Cinderella. She was quiet for a moment, then held out her hands.

Cinderella looked at them, then took them, looking up.

"I'm sorry that you had to discover those vicious rumours this way," she said gently, "Your godfather doesn't wish to hurt you, he just wants you to know where you stand."

"Did you know about those rumours?"

"I did. Almost everyone would, it was quite the subject of scandal at the time. But time has marched on since then and it has faded from most minds."

Cinderella was quiet for a moment, looking down at their hands. "Would I be unwelcome at court because of this?" she muttered.

Rosalia squeezed her hands so tightly and so suddenly, she looked up in surprise, startled by the fierce expression in the blue eyes behind the mask. "You are always going to be welcome in court," she assured. "Your parents were adored and, even now, people wonder after you and ask when you'll visit. That slander against your father's name does not affect you."

She released Cinderella's hands and gently cupped her face, smiling at her.

"And don't forget, you have a lot of powerful friends in the wings," she said gently, "Beldon is at the forefront of that, behind him is his strongest supporter – and Luka is a man anyone would want the backing of. You have my husband, Braydon, and I; both of us hold a lot of sway in court. Beldon and I have powerful siblings who will protect you. Braydon and Luka have powerful siblings who will protect you. You are in an incredibly strong position. Don't forget that."

Releasing her face, Rosalia gently tapped the underside of Cinderella's chin, making her lift her head and Rosalia grinned.

"Remember to always hold that head high, Duchess," she said gently, "Confidence is not always so easy to come by so keep hold of any you have."

Cinderella smile at her then Rosalia stepped back and turned away.

"Right, back to the fun," she announced, walking out, leaving Cinderella to follow after her in her own time.

Cinderella took a moment, glancing back at her reflection to check the bruise though it had vanished, before picking up her skirts and walking out, heading back through the few short corridors and coming out into the courtyard.

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