Chapter 2: Y/N arrives on Earth.

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As Star closed the curtain of her communication mirror, Marco immediately stomped his way inside of her room.

"Alright. What the heck was that, Star? You didn't tell me you have a twin sister." He snapped.

"Whaaat? Did I said I have a sister? Psh, c'mon, Marco, I said I have... a fin twister! Hehehe..." Star lied, pointing her wand at her toes and transformed it into fins, twirling around.

"Oh, quit lying, Star. I thought I'm your 'best human friend' and you tell me all your secrets and I tell you mine. Why not now?" He snapped again. Marco was not in a mood for more secrets and embarassment.

"Uh..." she went quiet. Star looked down. She didn't know Marco was this intense when it comes to secrets. As Marco saw this, his face and heart softens.

"H-hey, Star, I-I-I'm sorry..."

"No, it's okay. I should've told you my secret. I wanted to surprise you but... she's coming tomorrow."

"Who's 'she'?" Marco suddenly asked although it's obvious to his eavesdrop that it's a girl who Star talked with earlier.

"I can't tell. I feel bad now." Star frowned. She pushed Marco away and stayed inside her room until the next morning, leaving a confused and worried Marco outside her door.


The next early morning of a weekend, Marco still didn't get it. Who was Star talking about? He was nervous, yet kinda excited for the arrival of this new girl.

The silence in Marco's room was suddenly occupied by a loud, exciting squeal.

"AAAAAAHHHH!! Y/N, you're here!"

Followed by a 'ssh's and quiet muffles.

With his pajamas, Marco stood up from his lying position and walked slowly, but carefully towards the kitchen to get a (favorite/drink) drink before trudging up to Star's door.

Meanwhile, 30 minutes ago, when Star was waiting on you, she was still sad at Marco but she hid it well when you arrived by the use of your own dimensional scissors gave by your and Star's parents; the king and queen of Mewny.

You first threw your three F/C suitcases before throwing yourself in and found yourself in a big, spacious room and a sitting Star with sparkles in her eyes.

"AAAAAAHHHH!! Y/N, you're here!"

She quickly ran to you for a bone-crushing hug and you laughed lightly, hugging her back. "Ssh, Star, you'll wake up the neighbors; i-if you have."

"I don't care! You're here!" Star grinned widely. "So, you have your wand Mom gave you?"

"Duh, of course! You?"

"Yep! Here~!" You and Star waved your hands happily while giggling.

You have your (wand description) as Star has hers. Moon gave it to you when you turned 13.

Your mom said that you and Star were given the responsibility as the queen of Mewny, but when Star crashed the town, she was sent to Earth, away from you. You, on the other hand, is a bit more responsible than Star. Sometimes, you would stop her from doing something out of this world, but you're always by your sister even with the craziest of things; that's why you were left there.

You would be the pre-queen of the Mewny. Like, everytime your mom and dad were out or your dad would just be hunting instead of ruling the kingdom, you're in charge for the whole day.

But when you beg your whole life that you wanted to live in Star's place now, they hesitantly agreed, so you hurriedly packed your bags.

And here you are.

"Oh, my gosh, (nickname), you're more beautiful in person!" Star cooed.

You smiled. "Thanks. You, too, Star."

She pouted.

"Alright. Thanks...TwinklePrinkleStar."

"Yes! Right again, Y/N Butterfly!"

You laughed after. "So... where do I sleep in?"

"Oh, not a prob!" Star shrugged. She poofed another bed beside her's, with dozens of pillows and blankets and stuffed animals. "There you go!"


After you unpacked, you asked your sister. "Sis, do you have any friends here?"

"Yeah!" Star turned to you. "I have sooo many." You smiled. "Well, there's Jackie Lynn Thomas, Ms. Skullnick, Ferguson, Alfonso and my neighbor, Marco--" She stopped. "Marco."

"Wh-who's Marco?"

"Well, he's this boy that's kinda mad at me for not telling him you're coming today... so I'm a little sad." Star informed.
"He--- what?"

"Yeah... but it's not a big deal, anyw---"

"No, it is a big deal!" You were frustrated at this Marco guy. Sure, you haven't met him yet, but by the sound of his name, you already despise him. Yes, you're a fast-tempered Butterfly. If someone with the people you love, especially your sister and you're red with anger. "He's angry at you 'cause you didn't tell him!"

"Y/N, calm down. You're doing it again," Star frowned. "Stop."

You eyes locked into Star's pleading blue ones and you sighed in defeat.


"Yay!" You smiled weakly. "Now, come on, sister of mine!" Star linked her arms with yours and happily marched to the door.

But before someone opened it.

"You're not going anywhere!"



Another finished chapter!

Tune up for moreeee~


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