Chapter 1- The Transformation

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Jordan's POV

It was another ordinary day at school. We all had a free at the end of the day so we decided to meet in the common room. But first of all we had to get through our lessons. My first lesson was History and two of my friends were there. Becca and Lauren. We all sat together near the back of the class as if we didn't want to be noticed and that was fine by us. The lesson dragged on for a bit and all three of us were bored heading into the second lesson. For me that was science. This time I only had Shanice for company but we managed to burn some stuff and boil some chemicals. We even scared the teacher by doing this as he thought we were going to blow it up! But as the day wore on I had classes with Jessie and Charlotte. This was in REP and Geography. And boy it was funny. All we did in REP was take the mick and said sarcastic things about the movie and we got sincerely bored throughout Geography.

Becca's POV

Me, Lauren and Shanice had just finished our Art lesson. Which we enjoyed, for some reason the teacher actually let us draw what we wanted.

"Did you notice anything strange about our Art teacher?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yeah she was a bit strange I must admit. Letting us draw what we wanted!" Shanice said curiously.

"Who cares! I liked that lesson, I prefer the new style of teaching from her!" Lauren said with a tone of happiness.

"Yeah...But..Still, I think something bad is happening but I guess we might find out tomorrow if it was a one off thing!" I said with a bit of concern. I didn't know what was going on but I could feel something bad.

We got to the common room before the others and found our circular table. We only had to wait for five minutes before the others showed up.

What was Andrews like then?" I asked the others. Typically Jordan had something sarcastic to say about it!

"Well Andrews was................ Very boring because..........she was wanting...................all of the facts..................and kept!" Jordan said this with the most monotone voice.

"Ffs, you could of just told me she was boring!" I managed to say whilst laughing. In fact the whole group was laughing! Then out of the blue a kid wandered up to us. It looked like one of the popular kids but we didn't know who they were!

"You lot need to get out and about. There is a party happening at my house tonight do you lot fancy coming over to actually be social or what?"

This kid asked with a lot of confidence but Shanice spoke first.

"No I can't sorry, I am busy tonight, you know other commitments and all." Shanice spoke gently and quietly.

"Nope, I can't." Charlotte replied short but sharp.

"No.. I can't I got stuff to do." Lauren dragged her answer on like normal, that was just her way of answering.

"I can't, I have a cricket match tonight and can't miss that I'm afraid" Jordan replied with a smile on his face. Cricket was his thing and he enjoyed it.

"I can't because I am doing something with my parents tonight, sorry." I replied politely.

"Why would I go to someone's party who I don't know nor like!!!" Jessie said seriously and with a slightly annoyed tone.

The boy said nothing then walked away. We continued to chat about our day and our plans for the evening. I made mine up because I knew what was happening tonight.

Shanice's/Blizzard's POV

I got home after school, done my homework and then relaxed by watching a video where Markiplier made cats and dogs speak. Then sundown came and I braced myself for what was to come. A cold white blizzard whipped itself up around me, it changed my clothes from the blouse I was wearing to a completely white attire with a cloak. When the blizzard stopped. I looked at my hand. A snowflake appeared symbolising that I had changed for the night. I felt cold but was warm. I checked my armoury. Throwing snowflakes, check, freeze ray, check, and finally a sword that looked frozen, check and check. Along with the snowflake I saw another symbol. AE. I didn't know what that meant but hey ho it's off to work I go! My green eyes sharpen and focus and I leave my house.

Jessie's/The White Wolf's POV

I got home from school. Done some homework and the sun had set. Then something happened. It was something strange. A pack of wolves circled around me. I could hear their howling and their fur brushing against me. I felt like I was being hunted down. I didn't know what was going on. Then I opened my eyes to find a fur white coat on me. All of my senses had sharpened. I felt like a wolf but didn't look like one. I looked on my hand. A wolf symbol appeared along with the letter AE. I was The White Wolf. All of my old clothes had vanished so I walked out the door with my phone to try and work out what just happened.

Lauren's /Neko Thief's POV

I got home from school and didn't have any homework. So I put my headphones on listened to some K-Pop and drew some anime characters. After the fourth drawing something felt strange. As if my room was cold but the radiator was on full. A chill went down my spine and suddenly black and white striped smoke surrounded me. I couldn't see anything. Then it vanished. And I looked at myself. My clothes were different. Something felt like it was burning my hand. I looked down to see the letter AE and a Japanese symbol. I looked it up and lone behold. It meant thief. I was Neko Thief? I couldn't believe it then my eyes changed and I left my house in secret.

Charlotte's/ Chara's POV

I got home and started my homework. Once finished I found a picture of Grell and Sebastien from Black Butler to draw. I finished the drawing only to hear a fire noise. I stood up, then I looked down. Their was a fire, AROUND ME! It wasn't any normal fire, it was a red chaotic fire, out of control. It then consumed me. I WAS IN THE FIRE! It then started to die down. I looked at myself. Brown hair? Golden eyes? It couldn't be, could it? Chara?! It was! I'm Chara. I felt out of control and chaotic. I looked down and found 4 guns on me. I smiled insanely. Then left my house laughing! Demonically laughing!

Becca's/ Ghost's POV

I got back home from school and completed my homework that was due later that week. I decided to look on YouTube and found that jacksepticeye had posted a new video. I had to watch it. I watched my favourite youtubers till sunset. When I felt strange, demonic and slightly rebellious. I looked down and saw something purple. A purple fire. It gradually surrounded me and I then saw it creep higher and higher until it had consumed me. However I didn't feel like I was getting burned nor being injured. The fire suddenly cut out. And it had changed me. I looked at my hands, no burns but there was the letters AE and...a d...d...demon symbol, like s...Sebastien from Black Butler. I looked in the mirror. No...No, no, no. I was Ghost. I thought that was just a figment of my imagination. I never thought I would become her. This was not in my life plan. My mind wandered back to the symbols on my hand. Then smiles. My eyes now red. I was now in control. I found several knives. Perfect, weapons I can use! I left the house through the window and then went for a walk.

Jordan's/ Shadow's POV

I got home to my empty house. My parents were no longer here. They were... Underground and way above me. I couldn't do any work. It was the 2 year anniversary of their passing. But I knew I had a job to do, I knew what was going to happen. Sunset approached and I stood with my hand together in front of me and my head down. I done this in secret because I didn't want to let my friends know what I was. What I was part of. It would scare them and they were the only friends I had and I couldn't lose them. A black smoke and then fire fills the room. It then wraps itself around me and I feel the change in me. It finished and now I am Shadow. I looked at my hand and I saw the two common symbols AE and an assassins symbol. Yes I am an assassin. Now for those wondering what AE is. It is an unnatural force and gathering of people. They are an assassins group like no other. They seek people with a dark side to them and then they hire them by making that dark side alive and they create an ALTER EGO. Hence the AE logo. You also get a trademark symbol to symbolise what type you are. But there is one problem. Whoever kills gets paid. So no AE member likes each other, not to mention we have no idea who these are. My black assassins robes fit well. I check my weapons. Guns, swords, grenades and my favourite. My two hidden blades. Check. I walk out the door for a walk. And to wait for a text. Maybe tonight I get... My revenge.

There we go. They have transformed. But what does Shadow mean about revenge. And what happens now? Find out soon!!


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