Chapter 6- Something's Wrong

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Jessie's POV:

I woke up ready for school. Got out the house and I walked to school. Upon entry to the school I see other people, teachers and Becca.

"Hey" I say happily.

"Hey" Becca sounded a little tired but that was normal on some days.

"Have you spoken to him yet?" I ask Becca sensitively.

"Spoken to who, about what?" She replied not realising.

"You know, Jordan and him not feeling right nor asking any particular questions?" I say with a tone that tries to say that it was obvious.

"Oh, no. I tried ringing him yesterday after school and I sent him texts but I've had no reply." Her reply was somewhat generic but I will go with it.

"Oh right. Well maybe he might say something today? You never know. But we do need to help him. Yesterday was very strange and he was not looking good." I replied as Lauren arrived in school.

Followed by Shanice but... Without Jordan.

"Uh... Where's Jordan?" All three of us asked in unison to Shanice. And she almost broke into tears.

"I don't know. I don't know where he is. I walked up to his house and on the door was a note. It said 'Dear Shanice. Carry on walking to school. I am not at home currently. Don't worry about me continue on to school and have a good day!' So... I don't know. Yesterday I thought he was just a little down but to find this is just scary. She stopped to calm herself down. Charlotte arrived.

"Something bad has happened hasn't it." Charlotte points out not knowing what has happened.

Jordan's POV:

I woke up this morning and felt like shit. I wasn't ill I was just... Just angry and lonely. My phone rings. I see who it is. It's Shanice ringing me as standard to let me know she is on her way to school. This is because I usually walk with her. Instead though. Today I wasn't going to do that so I wrote a note and stuck it on the front door so that she could see. It wasn't anything nasty but frankly it was hard writing it. I just lie on my bed. Emotionless before I hear Shanice go to my door and leave. I then get dressed. I cant see anyone on the state that I am in. So I walk out the door and make sure no one is watching. I walk to school and look around the corner to see all of my friends gathered in our usual spot. I cant go there. Not after seeing one of my friends lives wrecked. I find a gap to squeeze through between a building and a fence that leads further into the school. I immediately go to the art block and up the stairs to find a note. 'Sorry I'm not in today. Been feeling unwell.' Yeah you will be soon. 'Please continue with the work from last lesson. Thank you Ms Chinnock' Guess she couldn't handle the heat eh.

Becca's POV:

I cant believe that Jordan would put a note like that on his door. Just means another day without knowing how he feels! Hang on. That note can't mean what I think it means does it. Don't worry about me, have a good day. He hasn't decided to... K..k..k..ill himself has he? I know he was feeling really down yesterday but I wouldn't of thought it was this bad. I decide to ring him. This time he answers.

"Where are you and what are you doing?" I ask in a panicky tone.

"I am at the art block and not a lot, why?"

"Because we haven't seen you in school. You didn't walk with Shanice and the note on your door sounded... Suicidal." I'm still panicking about the whole situation.

"No that was a genuine goodwill note. I just need to be alone... Did you have another nightmare last night?" He said with tons of curiosity.

"Yes why?" I question back.

"Meet me at the back of the drama hall. Alone. 10 minutes be there. I need to talk to you in private." He stated this with a bit of urgency, he also hung up after this.

Third Person POV:

All of the group minus Jordan continued to talk until Becca had to leave to go and see him. No one had any lessons in the morning. So the rest of the group went to the common room to talk and do their own thing. Becca reached the drama hall and went to the back to find Jordan lead against the side of the building.

Becca's POV:

"Hey what's up?" I ask politely.

"Thee is a lot going on in my life and i don't like it. Anyway you had another nightmare. Can you please tell me about it?!" Jordan asked with a sense of urgency.

"Well it started of the same. Transforming into Ghost. Got a text and went to the address but this one was different. I saw another assassin." I stated with a bit of confusion.

"What did this other assassin look like?!" Jordan just seemed to ask questions but... I was happy to answer them.

"He had red eyes. And black and red clothing. Almost like a robe, an ancient robe." I was getting more and more confused.

"Ok thank you. Oh and by the way Chinnock isn't in. I will talk to you later I need to go and do something."

He left without any delay. He was gone. But why would he want to know in detail my nightmare. I know it's the second in a row but I mean. I can get nightmares that last for a week. He would always listen to them but he never took this much interest in one. To know every detail. Something's wrong.

Lauren's POV:

Becca returns without Jordan. She confused and looks a little pale.

"Everything alright?" I ask.

"No something is very wrong. Jordan. He's here. I just spoke to him about my nightmare that I told you about. He wanted to know as much detail as possible. Then he left again. And Chinnock isn't in. That's very strange because she is never not in." She says with a little worry.

"Hmm... We need to get this boy to talk and tell us exactly what's going on. Before anything drastic happens." I say this with determination that I will succeed in my take. "But it is weird having Chinnock of ill. I must admit. Maybe this is the first time and maybe her only time who knows!"

Jordan's POV:

After I walk away from Becca I decide to skip all lessons and go home. I get a map out and list all of my victims on the map with a red pin. Then all of the others which were sent out but I didn't kill with green pins. Every pin aligns to the vague looking of two letters. AE. They weren't killing for reasons they are making their mark and logo in deaths! Still, something isn't right and it's almost sundown so I need to get a move on. Even though i can change into my alter ego whenever I haven't figured out how to revert back to normal yet. There has to be more to it though. It can't just be to create a pattern of deaths. I know if you have an Alter Ego part of you already lives in hell. But that doesn't mean that you kill. And there is a conspiracy that if you do not kill then a piece of you dies and you will eventually turn full dark and will never have any normal life at all. All I can say is that something is wrong.

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