Chapter 14- Something Weird is Happening

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Jordan's POV:

Throwing snowflakes. More than one assassin. That means that there are at least 4 assassins out there including me and Becca. But who are the other 2 assassins. Today I'm not going to be able to stop thinking about it. However I am meeting up with Becca today to try and spend some time with her. With school and the Æ there is just not a lot of time. I walk out of my house cautiously of another attack on me from the Æ professionals. No attack. Not even a person in sight. This is good news and a good start to the day. I start walking to the mall to go and meet up with my girlfriend.

Becca's POV:

I wake up and get ready. Last nights experience was a chilling reminder of what we do at night. I then check my phone. It was tone to leave to and meet Jordan at the mall. I still couldn't believe that he actually asked me out. But I could tell there was something on his mind last night. And I just have a feeling that I am going to have to speak to him about what is on his mind. I leave the house and start my walk to the mall. Today feels weird. I can just feel that something weird is happening. But I carry on to go and meet up with my boyfriend.

Laurens POV:

I wake up and I receive a text message.

You have a meeting with us today. It will be all day and you can't tell anyone about it. A car will be waiting for you to take you.

Well that was not what I had planned for today. I was wondering if the group were going to meet up somewhere. I get dressed and walk outside and lone behold there is a car waiting for me with a chauffeur. He says:

"Are you Lauren?"

"Yes I am" I reply politely.

"Please get in, I will be taking you to your meeting." The chauffeur said. I got in and he started driving.

Shanice's POV:

I'm already up and dressed and ready to go and call on my cousin for the day. For some reason I felt really good and active. It was a nice feeling to have back again. My phone then went off. I checked it to make sure it wasn't any of the group.

You have a meeting with us today. It will be all day and you can't tell anyone about it. A car will be waiting for you to take you.

? I've never heard of them but this must be an important meeting if they have text me this early and that it last all day. I walk towards the front door and open it. There was a car outside my house. It was a luxury car. A Rolls-Royce. The re was also a chauffeur waiting at the car. He opened the door and gestured me in. I got in the car and he started to drive. It was one of the most comfortable seats ever!

Jessie's POV:

I wake up because someone was texting me. I unlock my phone and read the message.

You have a meeting with us today. It will be all day and you can't tell anyone about it. A car will be waiting for you to take you.

A meeting. No one ever wants a meeting with me. And a car will be waiting outside my ass. This is definitely a wrong number job. I mean seriously. Can no one text the right numbers anymore. I cant get back to sleep and I need to go round the shops to get some food. So.. I get dressed and wander out the front door where there is a car waiting for me and a chauffeur holding the door.

"I will be driving you to your meeting Ms Smale." The chauffeur said politley.

I get in the car and can't believe that it isn't a joke. I'm actually being driven to a meeting somewhere for the day.

Charlotte's POV:

My alarm goes off again. I jeep forgetting to turn it off on the weekend. Then my phone vibrates and I have a look. It says it has a text message from an unknown number. I open it up in curiosity.

You have a meeting with us today. It will be all day and you can't tell anyone about it. A car will be waiting for you to take you.

WHAT, AN ALL DAY MEETING. I DONT HAVE ANY SMART CLOTHES HERE! WELL NOT ONES THAT NORMAL SMART PEOPLE IN BUSINESS WOULD WEAR. Who the heck are anyway. A car will be waiting outside my house as well. That's probably going to be a horrible little Renault or something. I get dressed as smartly as I can and I then walk outside to find a Maserati parked in front of my house! A FREAKING MASERATI! The chauffeur that's there holds the door open and I gingerly walk over and get in the car. The chauffeur then gets in and starts taking me to the destination.

Becca's POV:

I have had a wonderful couple of hours with Jordan. We've had a lot of laughs together. Trying on clothes, trying products out then just generally laughing at other peoples dress sense. But I feel we need to meet up with the group. You know. Make up for yesterday when he got kidnapped.

"Hey, Jordan, can we invite the others over. I mean we were meant to meet up yesterday!" I ask.

"Yeah that's fine babe. I was wondering if they were going to text us!" Jordan firmly said.

So I send a text to the others to see if they want to meet up with us here at the mall.

Lauren, Shanice, Jessie and Charlotte's POV:

The chauffer offered me a drink. I was kinda thirsty so I agreed. He told me where the drink was and I poured myself a glass. I then drank it and gradually felt a bit weird. Almost like I'm tired even though I am not. Then my eyes close. When I wake up I see all these people in suits. And this man who must have been in control looked at me. And then I see the others. All bar Becca and Jordan.

"Well girls. We have brought you here today to give you some information." The man started.

Third Person POV:

"You 4 will have to work together tonight in a task that we are going to set you. This task will be dangerous and the hardest task you will ever face. That is why you must work as a team to solve and complete it. Now I don't care how you complete it you must have it down by sunrise tomorrow morning. Ok. You will have half an hour now to discuss where you will meet up to discuss your plan for this task then you must complete it. Ok?!" The man asked.

"Yes Sir" the girls replied.

Jordan's POV:

It's been half an hour and still no reply from any of the others.

"Something's not right. Something's weird. Something bad is happening." I say to Becca.

"How do you know?" Becca replied.

"Because none of them have text back and I have the feeling that something bad is happening from that throwing snowflake last night. It reminds me of someone and I cant remember who. But it is someone important. We need to go and look for them!" I say to Becca.

"I agree with you. Let's start by going to each of their houses." Becca responds.

We leave to check each house.

Shanice's. She isn't there. Lauren's. She isn't there. Jessie's. She isn't there. Charlotte's. She isn't there either. Then I receive a text message from Shanice.

Sorry got caught up in something meet me down by the market. We are all here at the bowling place.

Phew. They sound alright.

Third Person POV:

Jordan and Becca meet up with the rest of the group. They all decide to go bowling for the afternoon. They have tons of fun bowling the arcades and generally joking around. They then decided to all go home. But what the group didn't know is that Jordan had looked on their phones and found the text message. The one from . Even he didn't know who they were. When they got home they all done there own stuff until sundown when the inevitable would happen.

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